Tropical Storm Issac

Another hurricane warning, another stock up on emergency provisions–3 jars of peanut butter, wine, beer, and bourbon.  Ready!  (Actually, we do take the storms seriously and have the required provisions on hand all year round.)

Just two months ago, TS Debbie pushed the water into our canal and over the dock.  TS Issac (still not a hurricane as I type this) has pulled all the water out of the canal.  What a difference the direction of the wind makes!

TS Issac
View from the Sunroom with Tropical Storm Issac
Same view, TS Debbie

This was The Freezer for TS Debbie.

The Freezer
This is “The Freezer”, one of our local bars, during TS Debbie.








And this is what The Freezer looked like yesterday!

The Freezer

The Freezer

The Freezer

The Freezer

The Freezer

Very happy TS Issac decided to veer off in another direction!