If I had a gazillion dollars…

I would buy this piece of property.

If I had a gazillion dollars
Waterwise, it’s right around the corner from Mason Creek with no bridges to go under– but no boat traffic.  Five minutes to the Gulf.  Landwise, it’s the end of the road so no vagabonds or squattors.  (Yes, here in Perfect we deal with Vagabonds and Squattors!)

And build a house just like Perfect.  Only higher, with poured in place concrete.  Never have to leave for a hurricane!  Or no name storm.  And I wouldn’t have St. Augustine grass that just sucks up water and I have to load it with pesticides and fertilizer which pollutes the aquifer and harms the birds and the damn grass still dies!

If I had a gazillion dollars

And buy a wee condo in Tampa (on the water, of course) so instead of driving there three times in one week, we would just stay for three nights.

If I had a gazillion dollars.

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