Treasure Hunting 2014

Okay, so this is like almost the biggest day of the year for me.  This weekend was the Renninger’s Antique and Collectible Extravaganza in Mount Dora! So Connie, Michelle, and I headed in that direction and we were supposed to meet Kathryn but never found her so I just assumed that she decided to go a different day.  But she was there.  Along with about 1.5 million other shoppers.  

But Kathryn did send me a photo of her treasures…

Kathryn's treasures
Bet some of that booty is for her wedding decor!

Here’s Connie, me and Michelle after our long day…

TReasure Hunting

And the back of Connie’s van with our finds…

Treasure Hunting 2014 at Renninger's Antique and Collectibles Extravaganza in Mount Dora
B is for Booty

This is my favorite shop, didn’t buy anything there this year but I spent a lot of time browsing.

Treasure Hunting 2014 at Renninger's Antique and Collectibles Extravaganza in Mount Dora

Treasure Hunting 2014 at Renninger's Antique and Collectibles Extravaganza in Mount Dora
This is just weird. Dead cat with bad jewelry.
Treasure Hunting 2014 at Renninger's Antique and Collectibles Extravaganza in Mount Dora
Acres and acres of “stuff”. Some weird, some wonderful.

A trend I spotted…..

The heads

Treasure Hunting 2014 at Renninger's Antique and Collectibles Extravaganza in Mount Dora

Treasure Hunting 2014 at Renninger's Antique and Collectibles Extravaganza in Mount Dora

Treasure Hunting 2014 at Renninger's Antique and Collectibles Extravaganza in Mount Dora

Treasure Hunting 2014 at Renninger's Antique and Collectibles Extravaganza in Mount Dora

Treasure Hunting 2014 at Renninger's Antique and Collectibles Extravaganza in Mount Dora


And the headless

Treasure Hunting 2014 at Renninger's Antique and Collectibles Extravaganza in Mount Dora

Treasure Hunting 2014 at Renninger's Antique and Collectibles Extravaganza in Mount Dora
Just want to know why someone would sell a doll without its head. Voodoo ritual? I did not touch that doll!  Oh wait, I posed it.  I’m going to die!

Treasure Hunting 2014 at Renninger's Antique and Collectibles Extravaganza in Mount Dora

and just plain bizarro

Treasure Hunting 2014 at Renninger's Antique and Collectibles Extravaganza in Mount Dora

So try to wipe all that scary stuff from your head and look at my perfectly normal treasures…

Treasure Hunting 2014 at Renninger's Antique and Collectibles Extravaganza in Mount Dora
Crocheted snowflakes, old telephone, glass cake pedestal, piano stool
Treasure Hunting 2014 at Renninger's Antique and Collectibles Extravaganza in Mount Dora
I love these claw legs that grasp a glass ball. I told the vendor that it was so sad that they were painted. And he said, “if they weren’t I would have charged you more”. Looks like I have a refinishing job in my future!
Treasure Hunting 2014 at Renninger's Antique and Collectibles Extravaganza in Mount Dora
Love the fluted edge on the pedestal. I could have made the crocheted snowflakes but they were one dollar. What can you get for one dollar? A crocheted snowflake!  I’ve been looking for an old phone.  They start at $65 and go up–if they work.  I got this one for much less but Terry will need to rewire.  Think I might have found him a new hobby!

OMG! How much fun did we have?  Love to look at all that crap and wonder where it came from! Especially all the creepy bizarro stuff.  It was a great day and I was totally wiped out by the end of it. And as usual, we drove by the huge flea market that was right across the street and wondered what cool stuff we were missing.  But our bodies could not actually make it out to see what we could see. Maybe next year.  

Check out for Michelle’s treasures!

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