I’ve been kind of obsessed with perking up my kitchen with Moda Fabrics. I started with tea towels, moved onto pot holders, and now I’ve made an apron–and more potholders, because four potholders just aren’t enough.

It’s so easy to mix and match patterns in the Moda Fabric line. I had originally purchased three different prints but when I started cutting out the apron I realized that I didn’t have quite enough fabric for the flounce. So off to my little quilt shop in Crystal River where I picked up a fourth print that also featured aqua and red. Love it.
I’ve already featured this apron pattern in a previous post. I made it for a “photoshot” and it was adorable with yo-yos. Too cute.
This time I decided to make it for me! And follow along with the “tea time” theme.
So here’s the pattern:
I used the graphics from sew4home that I referenced when I made the tea towels. I just made them a bit larger with Photoshop. Using Heat ‘n Bond lite, I cut the graphics out then placed them on the apron in a haphazard pattern. Because I’m a haphazard cook, I thought that was appropriate. And I put some rick rack on the flounce just because I recently fell in love with rick rack.

Thought I’d also share a little tip that I came across on pinterest or a different blog–I really should keep track but this one I just posted in my brain. (I do try to credit the original poster on pinterest) Patterns usually come in several sizes now. The apron pattern was a s-m-l. You just have to cut along the correct pattern lines. Since I don’t want to waste the other sizes–hey I might need them if I lose weight or, more likely, gain! It’s quite tedious to try to cut the fabric along the correct lines. So anyhow, I found this tip to trace the size that you need onto freezer paper. Now why didn’t I think of that! I just happened to have freezer paper that I bought for another tip that I never used. (Forgot what it was, something about sewing with minky fabrics)

Anyhow, this was SO much easier. Patterns are rather delicate and after using them a few times they turn into shreds.
Here’s my adorable new apron. Now maybe this will inspire me to cook more. (not likely)

Your hair looks great!
Thanks Allie! It’s what I asked for but I’m still shocked every time I look in the mirror!