It was HOT on Saturday. We worked at the Old Homosassa Heritage Council booth at MacRae’s of Homosassa from 12 – 2 then headed to the Mullet Toss to see what we could see.
And we saw about 5 deputy cars sitting there.
So when we parked, we asked, what’s happening?
While I was thinking drug bust, the deputies actually stopped by to support the cause! They all took a turn at throwing the mullet.
Volunteers paid for the deputies entry fees. How cool is that?
All the money raised goes to the Homosassa Elementary School and other kid programs.
Although I personally find throwing a dead fish revolting, it all goes to a good cause. And Shelley and John, owners of Old Mill, are doing a great thing!
Looking forward to the 5th Annual Mullet Toss! And I’ve heard rumors that there will be a golf tournament in September. Have to find my golf shoes!