About Me

Once upon a time I lived on the Nature Coast of Florida. But now, I live in Mandan, North Dakota for seven months a year and in Washington DC the rest of the time. Could I get any further away from what I formerly called “Perfect”? Living in Florida was no longer perfect for us so it was time to move on……

I’m hoping to post here about my new adventures in the cold white north. I have another website, Designs by KTGreen, where I post about sewing, quilting, gardening, and much more. I recently added knitting to my crafty pursuits.

And I thought I’d add a couple of disclaimers here…

Thus far, I have made no money on this blog.  No advertisers.  No paid posts.  All thoughts, meanderings, ramblings, reviews, rants, and criticisms are prompted by no one but me!

I attend many local events and take a lot of photos.  If you see yourself in one of the pictures and you don’t want it there, just send me an email or comment and I will quickly remove the pic!

More to come!


2 thoughts on “About Me”

  1. I have now visited your oasis in the wiregrass and indeed, it is perfect.
    I’m happy to see Maggie. If I lived there I’d be looking for the marsh harriers in the winter time weaving their way above constantly looking for anything that moves in the grass. Mouse or grasshopper or frog. It’s name is dinner.
    Another thing that makes me glad is that you are aware of how lucky you are! Bonnie

  2. Loved seeing you and Terry. To me it was just a continuation of my wedding reception (12 years ago).. It’s blissful having no concept of the passing of time…


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