Happy Friday!

Got more news on the mullet toss. Here’s the latest flyer. You might be seeing these posted all over the place!

mullet toss

And the flyer for the Cornhole Tournament!

mullet toss

There will be a “punch” board where for $20, you win something that’s worth at least $20. I know that there are at least two $50 bills on the board. Lots of gift certificates, jewelry and other fun stuff.

This isn’t just for adults. There is a FREE kid zone. Crafts. Games where the kids will win really nice prizes. Gil Watson is setting up a table for the kids to paint mullet. (not real fish)

There will also be an adult painting area to paint mullet. (not real) These are bigger. $10 charge.

Also a live auction with all kinds of cool packages to bid on.

And, of course, the actual tossing of mullet. (and these are real. But dead.) Two competitions on the tossing of the mullet. One for distance. The other into a toilet to win a golf cart.

The Crystal River Boat Builder’s club will have boats on display.

I’ll be doing the photography and running the t-shirt booth. Yes. I can mult-task!

The money raised will go towards the scholarship fund and other children’s programs at the Homosassa Civic Club.

And here are a couple of pics.

April 21, 2021

My first daylily of the year.


April 21, 2021

Rosey’s birthday. Lucky to be retired and have parties during the day!

rosey's birthday

Have a great weekend! Looks like it will be lovely!


April 19, 2021

This heron visited us on the kayak dock. Didn’t recognize the bird, but did some research and it might be an immature Little Blue Heron. First time that I recall seeing a heron of this color.

little blue heron
little blue heron