Christmas in Homosassa

Okay, it’s not Rockefeller Center, but it’s home!

Homosassa Christmas
Missed the boat parade, but this was parked outside of the Freezer


Homosassa Christmas
Love me a flamingo!


Homosassa Christmas
Gotta be Lu, in the Freezer!


Homosassa Christmas
Kind of a creepy Santa at The Freezer
Homosassa Christmas
Took 3 of the grandkids to the Homosassa Springs Park Annual Christmas Lighting show. Yeah, we consider that pose a success!  I’m pretty sure that Pottery Barns Kid store will be calling me any minute to grab my models!
Homosassa Christmas
Got one of them to pose!


Homosassa Christmas
Santa arrived. Good thing the kids had already visited with Santa this year. If they had sat on his lap that night, there would have been coal in their future!
Homosassa Christmas
We had a brief cold snap. Maggie would not even look at me for a pic. Was not happy about the sweater.
Homosassa Christmas
And here’s my tree!

Have a great Christmas!



Dogs in the Hood — Prospect Park

Did I say yesterday that was my last post from NYC?  Whoops, forgot to show you the Dogs in the Hood!

Anywhere you go in New York City there are dogs.  Big dogs, little dogs, fat dogs, skinny dogs.  Dogs.  Unlike Florida, dogs are welcome here. Why is the state of Florida such a hater? I even saw a beagle in the Jonathan Adler store in Brooklyn!   Good taste my little beagle friend!

So here’s some pics from Prospect Park in Brooklyn.  Where dogs are even allowed off leash!

Dogs in the Hood -- Prospect Park

Dogs in the Hood -- Prospect Park

Dogs in the Hood -- Prospect Park

Dogs in the Hood -- Prospect Park

Dogs in the Hood -- Prospect Park

Okay, truly, this is my last post from New York!  Tomorrow is Maggie’s special holiday card and then back to blogging about Homosassa on Monday!