Andrew’s Fund Raiser
Our daughter Jes and her fiance Andrew live in Brooklyn.

Fortunately, the area that they live in was spared most of the destruction that you have been seeing on the news from the recent horrendous superstorm.
But Andrew had been training for months for the NYC Marathon which was scheduled for November 4th. He runs with the American Cancer Society DetermiNation Team and raised over $4,000 this year. The NYC Marathon was canceled due to the devastation in the city but Andrew and a bunch of his friends decided to run their own marathon–raising funds for the American Red Cross’s relief effort. So they ran 26.2 miles through Brooklyn’s Prospect Park on Sunday and managed to raise over $8000.
If you haven’t already given towards the American Red Cross relief effort for this recent tragedy or feel that you could help out more, here is the link to Andrew’s fundraising website: http://www.crowdrise.com/prospectparkmarathon/fundraiser/andrewprior
It’s the last day for Floridians to early vote. You know that your vote is REALLY important this year!

And our local happenings…..
Today is the Blues & Bar-B-Que at the Old Mill Museum Cafe,
plus a big garage sale at Southern Woods Country Club,
and an arts and craft show at the Methodist Church.
So much to do! So little time!