We’ve had a lot of rain over the past week and I haven’t been able to get around the hood and get pictures of many dogs. I even took my camera to The Shed last night since there are usually a few dogs hanging out there with their people. But not a pooch in sight. Guess they were all staying home because of the rain. But here’s a couple pictures of Daisy, Ruby, and, of course, Maggie!
Here’s Daisy, keeping an eye on Maggie, ready for a fight. “Come here, my pretty”Ruby’s coming in to give me a big sloppy kiss.Also checking out Maggie. They had a wee bit of a fight that day. Could be Maggie didn’t like Ruby getting so friendly with me.Maggie is looking at me with disdain. “Must you pet those dogs? Really?”
Yay! Michelle’s back in the kitchen and whipping up a bunch of healthy and light pumpkin cookies.
Still feels like summer even with the calendar saying that it’s October 3rd. But that doesn’t stop me from giving the green light to all things associated with our upcoming cooler season. That said, I am a self proclaimed “pumpkin freak” ! I love all things pumpkin, from candles to pies to throw-pillow slipcovers! I am sooooo ready for Fall I can’t stand it. When Will asked if I’d make Pumpkin Cookies one day last week I couldn’t run to the pantry fast enough. I made not one, but two batches (ok, I made three, but one turned out to be like dog biscuits). For the guys, I made a regular recipe of Pumpkin Cookies, and for me I changed it up and made them 1/2 the calories and a tiny bit o’ fat version. I’m not thinking The Great Pumpkin will be showing up at my house this year,…because he knows I’ll just make cookies out of him. So, Linus, you’ll have to use that blanket as a crying towel ! (bwah-ha-ha-haaaaa!) ‘Cause we’re bakin’ cookies!
Michelle’s Pumpkin Cookies:
The Cast…
1 Cup Whole Wheat Pastry Flour (found it cheapest at the health food store bulk section)
1/2 tsp Baking Soda
1/2 tsp Baking Powder
1/2 tsp Cinnamon
1/4 tsp Nutmeg
1/4 tsp Salt
1/3 Cup Truvia Baking Blend
2 Tbl. Light Brown Sugar
3 Tbl Applesauce
2 Tbl Butter, melted
2/3 Cup Canned Pumpkin
1 Egg White*
1/2 tsp Vanilla
Glaze is optional.
Step 1: Mix the dry, mix the wet separately.
Step 1
*Note: The cast lists an egg white. I used a real egg white instead of the carton ‘Egg Whites’ and it made a big difference – I don’t know why, but it did. So, I’ll be saving those carton Just Whites for the morning omelette and feeding that extra egg yolk to the Boys. We don’t just toss those yolks – waste not! Here’s another thing I’ve discovered. Eggs are not the size they used to be. Along with everything else, the price goes up and size goes down. I don’t care what the egg people say, those cartons of large eggs lie! I buy Jumbo eggs and use them as ‘large’. Not having the right amount of egg will ruin a baked good. Yes, I buy brown eggs too (Publix Jumbo Brown). They taste better (to me). Each one’s a bit different. One shell has more freckles, one’s shell is thicker, maybe ones misshapen, or smaller, one yolk stands up higher… that means they’re not standard factory fed chickens. The ones in the cheap cartons, where they’re labeled ‘large’, but are so small the move inside the carton wells. They’re white and the shells are nearly see-through. Some even crumble as you break them, and have pale, flat yolks – you’ve seen ’em. Don’t bother – Just what did they feed those animals? I will say that the fancy carton “Vegetarian Fed, Omega-3,…etc.” don’t taste any better to me, but I feel better about eating them. Now, if you know where to get some real farm eggs…run, don’t walk and score some of those golden yolks for a Sunday Sunny-Side Up! Today, though, just try and use an extra-large egg white.
Step 2: Get them all together and get out that cookie scoop. What do you mean you don’t have one yet?! Ugh…ok, or a soup spoon. Heat that oven to 350deg.
Step 2
Step 3: Mound them up on the cookies sheets and bake 8 – 10 minutes.
Step 3
Step 4: There they are! (I’ll miss the Great Pumpkin for sure) Can you spot the full-fat version? Yup, it’s the front right hand one.
Step 4
Step 5: So, here’s the texture difference…yeah, I didn’t see any either.
Step 5
Finale: A little cream cheese glaze and that’s it! The guys love them too.
My glaze: 3/4 cup Powdered Sugar, 4oz. Neufchatel Cheese (lo-fat cream cheese)softened, 1/4 tsp vanilla, 1/2 tsp lemon zest* – beat together. Thin as needed with FF Milk.You can hold back on the lemon and add to taste. Or, use it thick as icing instead. Tasty, and notice – no buttah.
Here’s the proof. Makes 24 cookies at 41 cal each(without glaze) Not to mention the ingredients are good for you – the Great Pumpkin wouldn’t lie about that. No, I didn’t harvest The Great Pumpkin for cookies – I’m saving him for Pumpkin Roll – but that’s another blog!
Thanks Michelle! I actually got to taste these cookies, along with a few other varieties that Michelle had just happened to pull together Saturday afternoon. The cookies were still warm in the container that she brought with her! Courtney, a small person that was here last weekend, and I had to taste test all the varieties. All Yum! Now I’m being very good and having one cookie a day! Gotta make sure I fit into my dress at the Al-La-Palooza!