Dogs in the Hood

Took our normal bike ride to MacRae’s the other morning and played with all the pooches.  On the way back I spotted these adorable little bundles of chaos!

Dogs in the Hood
Clark and Lois

These cuties are part Jack Russell and part Beagle and brother and sister.  How much fun is it going to be raising them?

Dogs in the Hood
Dogs in the Hood

A puppy can’t get much cuter than these two.  Well, Maggie was pretty cute.  Here she is helping me with my website back in 2000.

Dogs in the Hood
Maggie Mayhem

Maggie was a funny little puppy that liked to amuse us at that age.  She liked to stalk her stuffed toys and shake the stuffing out of them.  She also chewed all the corners off of our bathroom cabinets, enjoyed pulling the threads out of our berber carpeting throughout the entire house, and one day shredded 12 rolls of toilet paper.  Funny little puppy.

Looking forward to seeing Lois and Clark in the future and hearing about their exploits.

And here’s Mingo, getting bigger, but not quite growing into those ears yet!

Dogs in the Hood

Not a puppy, but Bacca is still cute.

Dogs in the Hood

I read once that if you have a fat dog, you aren’t getting enough exercise.  Well, some consider Maggie a chunky monkey (we like to say that she’s buff).   She walks two miles with us every other day.  On bike days, she doesn’t just ride in the bike basket–she always starts and ends our bike rides with a run.

Dogs in the Hood

Dogs in the Hood
Maggie, worn out and ready to take her 6 hour nap!

Maggie’s almost 13 and still going strong.  And still amusing us.



Adventures in the Kitchen with Terry!

Oh, no!  Michelle’s AWOL so I asked Terry to let me take photos of him preparing his famous BBQ Salmon for our healthy cooking feature this week:

Terry has been salmon fishing a few times in Alaska.  The first time he brought home a whole lot of salmon, halibut, and this recipe:BBQ Salmon

And we followed that recipe for many years.  I mixed up the BBQ sauce.  Terry did the rest.  But then I got lazy.  I mean, this BBQ sauce recipe tastes just like the cheap stuff that comes in the bottle, but I actually have to get ingredients out, make a mess in the kitchen, dirty measuring cups, then have to clean it all up.  So the recipe evolved.  Much easier–I do nothing except eat it.  It’s got to be a little lighter without the butter.  And it does taste the same–yummy.

BBQ Salmon

And here’s some pics of Terry preparing the BBQ salmon:

BBQ Salmon
Plain old hunk of salmon.  This is about a 1 1/2 pound fillet.  Very important to put it skin side down.

Terry found this brown sugar container when he lived in Dallas. It’s very precious.  Seems to be one of a kind.  I have never seen this stuff in any store in my entire life.  It’s actually for coffee.  (Who puts brown sugar in coffee? Just people in Dallas.)  So he kept the container and now he just puts plain old brown sugar in it and shakes it onto the salmon.  Same stuff. I suggest you find a parmesan cheese shaker and put some brown sugar in it.  (Hint–take the cheese out first)

BBQ Salmon

BBQ Salmon
Then he massages the brown sugar in. No idea how much he uses. Just massages it.
BBQ Salmon
Next we get out the BBQ sauce.  Doesn’t have to be Sweet Baby Ray.  Every sauce I have ever purchased tastes the same on salmon.  Buy something on sale.  Bogo.  It will be yummy.
BBQ Salmon
Now you put on the BBQ sauce. How much? Terry says just flood it. I believe thats a culinary term.
BBQ Salmon
Salmon is now flooded with BBQ sauce and ready for the grill.
BBQ Salmon
Done. Takes about 20 minutes. Looks a little crisp but this is perfect. When you take the salmon up, the skin sticks to the foil. It’s magic.
BBQ Salmon
Perfect Healthy Meal
BBQ Salmon
Gone. Maggie licked the plate for us. We can almost put it back in the cupboard–it’s just so clean.

We can only hope that Michelle returns next week.  Or you might get my famous low cal chocolate chip cookie recipe.  And they will most likely be burnt. It’s all on Michelle now.