20 Minute Tote

A few weeks ago I posted about some lovely fabrics I had just bought from www.fabric.com.

20 minute tote

I found a tutorial on the Purl bee website for making a tote in 20 minutes: http://www.purlbee.com/the-twenty-minute-tote.  Since their instructions are very easy to understand and follow, I’m not posting any of my steps or photos.  (The only exception is that I turned under 1/4″ on the top edge rather than doing a zig-zag stitch.)

I actually timed how long it took me to make the first tote–from cutting out the fabric right up until the final pressing.  34 minutes. Not quite a 20 minute tote but after the first one, I just set up my own little assembly line and made 8 more.  I’m sure I was whipping out the rest of them under the allotted time!

20 minute tote
9 cute little tote bags

The totes were easy and turned out quite nice.  I might make a few more but the weather has turned a degree or two cooler and I need to get the yard spruced up for our upcoming special event, so I’m back outside.  Lots to do in the next four weeks!