This is Daisy from the Block. She’s one quick little lizard hunting dog and has more important matters to attend to than pausing to pose. So I had to take these pictures quick, quick, quick!
While TS Issac was whirling outside, Michelle was creating inside…
Since I’m trapped inside as Issac The Storm invades outside, I’m baking. Note my list of priorities for today (a world of technology and I’m scribbling on an envelope).
The vacuum hose still rolled up, and I’m only wearing my workout clothes as a reminder so far. What I really want are COOKIES! Now, I consider myself a fair cook and an OK baker. Which means, at times, things go wrong. Well, this morning things went very wrong, or maybe very right. As we all know some of the best creations have come from complete mistakes and improvisations. Like, nachos and Teflon my Munchkinesque Cookies are destined for greatness! (OK, I’ll get over myself in a minute – but I’m sharing them with you – you’re welcome) I was tired of making diet version of cookies that all ended up yummy, but really just versions of an oatmeal/nut healthy cookie… now I want chocolate! Since I was little, I loved what I called Earthquake Cookies. Those super chocolatey crinkle cookies that Grandma made and that I lost the recipe for years ago. I asked my Mom for it a while back and she sent me a couple versions, none of which was the Real McCoy. Although, one presented itself as the ‘healthy’ version and was screaming to be made. Any cookie recipe that dares to list the calorie and fat content deserves a look and maybe even a test. Unfortunately, my test failed miserably …. Or did it? Turns out, as I already knew, my exchanging the sugar for Whey–Lo and the oil for coconut oil, meant the cookies would not spread and ‘crinkle’ as they should. But at only 81 cal., and 4g fat in the full recipe, I felt the exchange may be worth a test.
I made the batter, let it set and fired up the oven this morning. When I removed the test pan from the oven I was disappointed until I took a bite. I instantly thought of a DnD Munchkin…only it’s NOT a doughnut. I won’t go into my love/hate relationship with doughnuts. Although, it’s not unlike the bad boyfriend most of us encounter somewhere in our past. You know the one with a tantalizing and slightly naughty first impression, but horrifying longterm effects. Ugh – dough nuts!
William grabbed one, sleepy eyed, said “Wow, they even have glaze on them…” He and his pre-8am ‘faux-hawk’ (aka fake mohawk) hairdo came back for more. As he said “Hurry up with the camera, my mouth’s watering already!” So, let’s adventure into a baking dimension of weirdness. Where things should not taste good, but do.
Note a few of my favorite things…the cookie scoop, the crazy Ove’Glove, and the test pan. A small version of the larger one to test 2 cookies at a time.
Step 1
I didn’t bother to photo-log the process of mixing the batter – melt the chocolate in the microwave (slowly), mix the wet, add in the chocolate, add in the dry. Let the batter sit in the fridge.
Step 2: OK, now scoop out enough dough for a 1″ ball. Roll into a ball (looks like Tootsie Roll).
Step 2
Step 3: Get some powdered sugar in a round bowl and roll them around. Get back on that pan.
Step 3
Step 4: Bake those puppies at 375deg. For 10 min. Take them off the pan right away and cool on a rack. They will be cracked – that’s OK.
Step 4
Step 5: Look at that – they look just like ‘those famous doughnut holes’ !
Step 5
Step 6: Lovely texture. And firm enough to be covered with a chocolate glaze too.
Step 6
Step 7: Find a victim…
Step 7
Step 8: Ooo, a thumbs up!
Step 8
Wow Michelle, those sound really good. I might have to risk setting the kitchen on fire and make this recipe. Or maybe Michelle will just have to bring a batch for our annual Labor Day cookout!
Another hurricane warning, another stock up on emergency provisions–3 jars of peanut butter, wine, beer, and bourbon. Ready! (Actually, we do take the storms seriously and have the required provisions on hand all year round.)
Just two months ago, TS Debbie pushed the water into our canal and over the dock. TS Issac (still not a hurricane as I type this) has pulled all the water out of the canal. What a difference the direction of the wind makes!
View from the Sunroom with Tropical Storm IssacSame view, TS Debbie
This was The Freezer for TS Debbie.
This is “The Freezer”, one of our local bars, during TS Debbie.
And this is what The Freezer looked like yesterday!
Very happy TS Issac decided to veer off in another direction!