Home again, home again

Riley flew to Tampa from Bismarck, North Dakota on July 20th.  All by himself.  Only 11-years-old.  I was worried.  His mom was worried.   We were both anxiously waiting at either ends of the country.  But Riley was super-duper.  He made it.  And we had a great three weeks with him.  And all of the Florida grandkids and cousin William spent lots of time with Riley, rockstar. Seriously, this kid was in demand.

But Riley wanted to go back to school.  Holy flip, do you know that you live like over 2000 miles away and we don’t have a return flight for you?

So we made his ‘I’ve gotta go back to school’ mantra into our first BIG road trip.  We originally planned on driving our convertible but decided at some point that idea was just crazy cakes.  Dog, kid, golf clubs.  Round trip about 4400 miles.  So we took the big-ass SUV and traveled in comfort.  (But not in cheap–gas was $3.89 in Illinois) Plus we were able to take a bunch of stuff home with us that we need for our next big festive event– the Al-La-palooza!  (oh yeah, expect some posts in the near future about that party.)

So we made it to Bismarck/Mandan and are home again.

And we’re missing Riley. Rockstar.

Welcome Home

Adventures in the Kitchen with Michelle

Now that William’s back in school, Michelle returns to post her yummy and healthy recipes on Wednesday.

Since we’re supposed to be eating healthier, here’s a tasty side dish or even something for your Meatless Mondays. (I just heard Rebecca gasp at the word ‘meatless’) This is from our friends at Whole Foods. This is one that actually looks just like the pro-photos shoot! Almost too pretty to eat, but at 60 calories (most of which is from the olive oil) I’m not holding back!

 Veggie Pasta:

Ingredient List:

2 – Zucchini Squash

2 – Yellow Squash

1 – clove Garlic (and/or a shallot if you have one)

1 – cup Grape Tomatoes

5 – Sundried Tomatoes

1 – Tbl Basil (I like fresh)

1 – tsp Oregano (fresh if you have it – I don’t)

Salt & Pepper

1 – Tbl Olive Oil

Step 1:  Nothing fancy here…except the olive oil. I like this one for dressings because it’s so peppery (and expensive). I have a thing for olive oil from either California, or Spain. I find the Italian Extra Virgin sort to be, well kinda bitter. But what do I know.

Veggie Pasta

Step 2:  Using the peeler, and I know you’ve got one, make the ‘pasta’. A mandoline is too clumsy and makes thick slices, these are paper thin.

Veggie Pasta

Step 3:  Take it down to the seeds, they just crumble away. Chop them up for your salads or hide them in a soup. Don’t peel your fingers too – ugh – go get a Band-aid!

Veggie Pasta

Step 4:  Look how pretty! (yes, I lost Rebecca at Step 3)

Veggie Pasta

Step 5:  This is how I do basil…a chiffonade (too much Food & Wine magazine)

Veggie Pasta

Step 6:  Roll the stacked leaves and slice…impressive…I knew you could do it (yes, Vera I see you rolling your eyes 😉

Veggie Pasta

Step 7:  You know how to chop garlic, little tomatoes, and toss in the sundrieds. Now add in that Mediterranean Oregano (not the Mexican, yes there is a difference….and not the California kind!…it ain’t that kinda party)

Veggie Pasta

Step 8:  Look at that – gorgeous and it’s not even plated. This is where you add your olive oil, salt/pepper, and serve. Or, if you’re serving later hold that step and put in the fridge. The dressing step will make the squash melt a bit – not yummy.

Veggie Pasta

There you go Veggie Pasta – magazine cover ready. A glass of wine (or my ‘stunt wine’ so I don’t have to open that bottle…mineral water), and a fork is all I need.

Veggie Pasta

So, if you want to feel all Johnny Carrabba, light up the olive oil, sundrieds, and oregano for a minute, toss in the garlic, then the squash. Sauté’, add a little butter (can’t make a butter/wine sauce without it!) and hit it with a little of that wine. And add the rest. Put next to a grilled piece of meat, of most any kind. (there, happy Rebecca – m e a t !)