Fishin’ and Cookin’

Off for the day’s adventure…

Boys on Boat

Fishing Adventures

Lucky day for the fish.  Not so lucky for the boys.  Cap’n Terry caught the only fish.

Fishing Adventures

Day’s catch was filleted,

Fishing Adventures


Fishing Adventures

Cooked up in the cast iron skillet on the grill,

Fishing Adventures

And served as an appetizer.

Fishing Adventures

Thumbs Up!

Fishing Adventures

And dinner for tonight is….

Fishing Adventures



I think Flamingos are really cool.  Especially because it is actually correct to spell the plural as Flamingos, Flamingoes, or Flamingo.  Really, I looked it up.

I love love love this print from Jan Beckman’s 20×200.


You can click here to check it out:  Flamingo No. 4 by Sharon Montrose. If I had a kid’s room to decorate, I would definitely buy this one.  She has several other prints that I love with monkeys and donkeys and all kinds of adorable animals.  Each and all would look sweet in a child’s room.

It sort of inspired the flamingo “art” I made for our powder room.

Powder Room Reno

Here’s the photograph I started with:


And here’s a whole bunch of flamingos at the Homosassa Wildlife Park looking hoity-toity with their beaks up in the air.


One last picture of flamingos.  Saw these one afternoon across the canal.  Since I knew that flamingos do not naturally live this far north, I sent out the picture to several friends.  One correctly identified the species as “Plasticus Flamingus”.  Giggle.
