I think Flamingos are really cool. Especially because it is actually correct to spell the plural as Flamingos, Flamingoes, or Flamingo. Really, I looked it up.
I love love love this print from Jan Beckman’s 20×200.

You can click here to check it out: Flamingo No. 4 by Sharon Montrose. If I had a kid’s room to decorate, I would definitely buy this one. She has several other prints that I love with monkeys and donkeys and all kinds of adorable animals. Each and all would look sweet in a child’s room.
It sort of inspired the flamingo “art” I made for our powder room.

Here’s the photograph I started with:

And here’s a whole bunch of flamingos at the Homosassa Wildlife Park looking hoity-toity with their beaks up in the air.

One last picture of flamingos. Saw these one afternoon across the canal. Since I knew that flamingos do not naturally live this far north, I sent out the picture to several friends. One correctly identified the species as “Plasticus Flamingus”. Giggle.