Our Powder Room

We renovated both our powder room and master bathroom a few months ago.  I’ve shown the master bath in one of my previous posts:  https://ktgreendesign.com//another-look-at-the-master-bathroom/  But it’s really difficult to take pictures of a tiny room with no natural light.  Like these walls are actually a very pale blue–not beige.

Powder Room Reno

I’ve also been struggling with the finishing touches.  Like artwork.  In an attempt to add color to the room, I ordered some prints from Jessica Swift http://www.jessicaswift.com/  Now that artist has some crazy mad colors.  But after getting mats cut for the prints and putting them in frames, I didn’t like them in the powder room.  And after spending hours browsing through more prints on Etsy I decided that I could do this myself.

So here’s my flamingo art.  Does this make me an artist?

Powder Room Reno

Have to admit that I saw the phrase on some site.  Maybe Fab.com.  But it was my idea to make it reflect so whomever is using my bathroom can read it in the mirror and know that they look particularly good. I have taken a lot of flamingo pictures over the years at the Homosassa Springs Wildlife Park so found one I really liked, went into PhotoShop, did some clipping, posterized it, added a fun phrase and it’s Perfect!

A lot of things are from Ikea.  Like the shelves and the big frames and mats and little white pot.  The hydrangeas in the little white pot are a bit wilted since it’s been raining for several days and I haven’t ventured out to pick new ones.  That sweet little dog ring holder is from Anthropology.  (A ridiculously expensive impulse buy.)    I then pulled out an old dish with pink flowers I had tucked away and this is the result!

Powder Room Reno

Powder Room Reno

Powder Room Reno

The cabinet and Zodiaq countertop are from Deem Cabinets in Homosassa Springs.  Same cabinets I have in my kitchen.

Powder Room Reno

Very happy with how this little room turned out.  Now must move on to other projects!


Dogs in the Hood


Love this photo because it shows Bacca’s “I’m a big dog!” personality. Hate that sun spot on the middle of his forehead but couldn’t get rid of it, even in Photoshop.
Pam’s an Australian Shepard and lives on the canal around the corner from us. Some mornings she comes down to MacRae’s with her person. She’s a bit shy and doesn’t like her picture taken–or maybe she doesn’t like being anywhere near Maggie.


Diesel is the first dog we encounter on our cruise out to the gulf. We think he’s all bark–so far no bite.
Pam 2
Here’s Pam, again. Spotted her in the wrong backyard along the canal. As usual, she’s pretending I don’t exist.
Sparky is a neighbor and doesn’t live on the water but he was hanging here with Pam. Not sure why he or Pam were in this back yard–perhaps they were out for a stroll.
Dogs in the hood
Still do not know this little pooch’s name. There are three of these cuties that like to let us know their displeasure with us using their canal.
Ethel is another little dog with a “I’m a big dog” personality.  She’s also the same kind of Jack as Maggie — short legs and pointy ears.


Dogs in the Hood
“Got a kid to feed me snacks. On the boat. Life is good.”