What do you do when you have a 9-year old visiting for a few days and a tropical storm whirling outside your window? Make a bear, of course.
I already made bears for both of her sisters and one for the smallest grandchild, Piper. I never made one for Riley, Courtney or Justin because I figured they were too cool for a homemade stuffed animal. Courtney and Justin both already have quite the collection of “Build a Bears” which are much more sophisticated than my bears made out of scraps. But Courtney has been bugging me to make her a bear for months so I finally gave in. After going through my leftover fabric, she decided that she wanted to pick out her own material so off to Jo-Ann’s we went before the big storm hit.

Courtney wanted a monogram on one of the soles so no one else could claim her bear.(With the fun colors she picked out, I seriously doubt that would be an issue.) I hadn’t used the monogram feature on the sewing machine before but after a little practice Courtney was pleased.

I used a Simplicity Pattern that I’ve had for years.

Courtney told me exactly what colors she wanted for each bear part.
Courtney was thrilled with her new bear and immediately got on the iPad to skype the rest of the family. Now her little sisters want new bears, too. (not happening)
While the bears do make rides to the kids’ house, they live in Perfect. (Except for Piper’s bear since she lives in North Dakota.)
So here are the sister bears. They might be joined by a few brother bears the next time it rains for five or six days in a row.