We met a new dog this weekend and he was sure happy to see us! He was quite the barker and Maggie stayed far away! I’m not sure what his name was since his person said it changes daily so I’m just going to call him Happy Yappy.
This dog visits The Shed quite a bit but we haven’t been formally introduced. So I just call him the Big Red Dog. He’s very laid back and would like to be Maggie’s friend but she has sent him ‘stay away’ vibes and he respects her feelings.
And here’s Ruby. She used to run loose at the Shed but she was a bad girl at some point and now is on her leash at all times. Ruby is almost the sweetest dog ever.
I haven’t been able to get Maggie to pose for me since I started photographing other dogs. She used to be quite the model and got very excited whenever I got the camera out. Now she just acts miffed and turns away. But I tricked her into this shot by telling her that her nemesis Daisy was on her way to have a conversation. Maggie was like “DAISY-where?! I can take her!” They’d already exchanged a few choice words and they weren’t nice ones.
And here’s a special guest. Reeses doesn’t really live in the hood but I went to visit her the other day. Her people are renovating their house and she’s helping by disposing of some trash wood. “Just trying to do my part!”
That’s it for the Dogs in the Hood this month!