Despite the bands of storms that have plagued us for the entire month, I still got out and got stuff done.
Here’s a view between downpours:
My flowers are loving the weather!
First plumeria bloom this year.
On Monday we went to the Memorial Day service at the Old Homosassa Veterans Memorial. It was raining that morning, quit, had the service, the civic club cleared everything out and stored the equipment, and the rain started back up. Didn’t quit until Thursday morning!
Went to see my friend Paula play at the Shed.
Another brief break in the rain!Got the electricity line fixed that runs to the dock. Lights are back on after being dimmed for a few months!Finished a quilt….Stitched up a tote!
The rain was probably the worst on Wednesday. DID NOT EVER STOP! Still managed to make it to the Old Homosassa Learning Center and wade in to join the Homosassa Ukers followed by a music session with my banjo and friends!
Packed up and ready to go!
Sad to say that I didn’t get to pet any dogs this week. But I did download this sketch!
Decided to come out of Easter Storage this week to keep me company in my office.
This Lizard
Was infatuated with his reflection. For a week he could be found on the giant mirror in the garage. You don’t have a giant mirror in your garage?
This Alligator
It’s been raining. A lot. This guy came in out of the rain.
This Spice
Terry was mixing up blackening for our pork chops last night. Cool layers.
This little cutie is a service dog and joined the Homosassa Ukers this week.Mom, I think that they are beyond my help!
If you don’t read the, here’s a link to my article from this week. Also, I write on my other blog Designs by KTGreen at least once a week–usually Tuesday and Thursday. So if you are missing me, you can usually find something I wrote in one of those two places!
Last day of school was yesterday. The Homosassa Elementary teachers and staff lined up on the side walk and as the buses pulled out the bus drivers honked and the kids hung out the window waving like crazy back at the teachers. All the sewist in the Sew Cool! Workshop lined up in front of the Learning Center, too. As the last bus headed up Mason Creek Road, we heard one of the teachers say “And where’s the beer truck?”
Today, Friday, May 25th 2018 at 1 pm, Jodi Lanier will be having a presentation at the Homosassa Springs State Wildlife Park on wild flowers. Besides knowing all about wild flowers, Jodi knows all about the Chassahowitzka River. If you ever want to do a kayak tour she is the person to contact. Just email me and I will send you her info!
Hurricane season doesn’t officially start until next Friday but there’s a tropical storm headed this way now. It should just bring rain to us but after several days of torrential downpours, the streets in Old Homosassa should be flooded! The signs are already out saying “Flood in area” because of the storm that came through on Tuesday. Be careful!
Made it through 8 days and nights without a REAL computer with lots of memory and a keyboard. Here’s a snap of one of the reasons I didn’t want to drag it along on my flights to ND.
And no, I don’t know who that guy is!
Plus there’s that 4 hour layover in Denver where I walk from one end of the airport where the big jets land to the other end where the wee jet gates are. Then walking from that gate for about another mile to board baby jet on the tarmac. Got my 10,000 steps in that day!
So I’ve been taking photos and blogging on my iPad Pro and iPhone. I downloaded a bunch of apps for photo fixing and finally found one that let me resize my photos to fit my blogs. And is one advertisement after the other. (No, I do not need …) Very frustrating but it works. Well maybe not. Sometimes the apps decide to crop differently then I expect.
And as promised last week, I have pics!
Adley never sleeps a whole night in her own bed. “I scared” Sometime between 2 and 3 in the morning she very noisily crawls into my bed.Then wakes up a happy baby about 7 am. Grandma’s not so happy since she’s been up since 2 or 3 in the morning.Yes! I am that Grandma! But at least she’s drinking milk rather than a coke!Good morning pic before school/daycare. (Grandma is very thankful for school/daycare and that the kids each have their own tablets)Karate Kitty!Got the girls ukuleles. Piper learned four chords. Adley not so interested. That uke is coming back to Florida to be replaced with drums. I’m sure her mom and dad will love that!This is a Pewter. He has gained a LOT of weight since last August. Pewter, you might want to consider Weight Watchers.
Deep thoughts….
I blame a lot of my “ailments” on a little too much wine.
Can’t sleep….quit drinking
wake up feeling exhausted….quit drinking
can’t concentrate….quit drinking
can’t lose weight…..quit drinking
So I quit. For 7 days. (Only because I was entirely responsible for those two sweet girls) Still couldn’t sleep, still woke up exhausted, still couldn’t concentrate, and still didn’t lose weight.
And now for another glass of wine.
Hey, I live in Old Homosassa. One of the few southern communities that have more bars than churches. Which begs the question…. Do we move to Old Homosassa because we drink or does living in Old Homosassa make us drink?