Kendall started texting me a couple of weeks ago about “when can I come up and it better be RIGHT NOW!.” Yeah, I think it’s really cool that the 8-year old is texting me.
So Kendall and Addison have been here for a few days.
The above pic was after an hour boat ride to the Springs, two hours of swimming, an hour back, showers to get rid of “Lu Poo” (if you live in Homosassa you know what I mean) and then a big crash. (Maggie did not go with us but she spent all that time worrying about us being out on the boat without her.)
Kendall, Maggie, me and grandpa all took a very long nap. Addison toughed it out. And was still up at 10 pm. (Where does she get the energy????? and she must not really be related to the rest of us!)
Going to show you a video next week of Addison’s encounter with a manatee. As soon as I figure out how to put the video on here. Very cool!
Anyhow, what’s going on….
The Mullet Toss. Saturday. All the money goes to the kids. Terry and I are working (sweating) at the raffle table.
Monday. The Meet and Greet. (Postponed from June because of a tropical storm) The newspaper has advertised TWICE that there will be “light appetizers, wine, beer, and soda.” Sheesh. How did that make it into the paper? But we should have a good turnout! Get there early if you want any of the free food and drinks cause I only bought enough for 100!!!!!!!
I’m sure that you will hear ALL about it next week!
If a hurricane doesn’t hit us before then. (Would that not be a message from a higher power?)
The restoration has started on the Old Homosassa Water Tower.
There are men on that scaffolding!
Marian MacRae, OHHC chairperson, was on Bay News 9 on Wednesday. Talking about the restoration and GoFundMe page. I didn’t get to see it because I have Directv and it’s only on Brighthouse cable. Bummer. But there is an article about the tower on Bay News 9’s website.
We have a very cool new design on our very cool new t-shirts, available for a $20 donation.
This is an unofficial photo
I didn’t take this photo. I drowned my camera on the way to this “photoshoot”. With an entire Tervis bottle of water. That I didn’t quite manage to latch. After sitting in rice for 24 hours, the camera still said “Err 20, Turn off and on, or change battery, and how stupid can you be to drown your camera?”
I had totally accepted that I would need a new camera but right before I went to bed last night, I did one last desperate check. And the camera came up! And took pics! Yippee!
My first test shot of Terry being very happy that my camera is working!
I put it back in it’s bed of rice just to make sure it’s totally dry. Plus I’m not taking it out on the boat today when we go fishing.
I’ve been wanting to upgrade to the Canon EOS 70D but it’s big buckets of money. And I do not respect my photography equipment. I just toss it into whatever bag I’m headed out the door with and hit the road. I’ve learned a lesson from this little experience. I’m not worthy of a new camera until I start taking better care of this one! (But I think I might buy a new lens, anyhow.)
I already mentioned that the OHHC had a booth at the Poker Run and Fireworks Festival. Terry and I were there melting away from 11:00 – 3:00.
Here’s John and Donna Fletcher and their friends at the Poker Run.
They were sweating away, too, but they were on a boat with beer. Not like me and Terry. Oh wait. I had beer, too. Just didn’t have a boat! Donna and John worked the OHHC booth at the Cobia tournament back when I was enjoying the chill life in North Dakota a few weeks ago so it was my turn. (Terry worked then, too, I guess he should have been on that boat with them!)
We are volunteering at the Mullet Toss at Old Mill Tavern on July 9th. All the money goes to organizations that are dedicated to helping kids. I don’t know what Terry and I will be doing at the event but I WILL NOT BE TOUCHING A DEAD SLIMY FISH!
Even if you don’t want to enter the contest, you should come. It’s lots of fun. We’ve been going every year and reporting on it. Last year several deputies stopped by and competed. The year before, the former police chief of Tampa was throwing dead fish. Lots of FUN! And it will be even bigger and better this year.
Deputies after their turn throwing the mullet in 2015Former Tampa police chief Jane Castor in 2014
I’m neck deep in the political process now. So much stuff to do. Can’t imagine what I’d have to do to run for a paid position!
The “Meet and Greet” is on July 11th at the Civic Club at 5 pm. Come meet Senators Dean and Simpson. And see me be a “hostess”. Never done this before. I could be a puddle or a stand up comedian. Or we could have a hurricane come in.
And here’s me and Maggie. I made many attempts to get her to pose with the bag. Not happening. But then she ran out to join me in this shot. No treats, no cajoling, she just volunteered.
Fireworks in Crystal River on the 4th. I’ll be there. With my hopefully fully resurrected camera.