Healthy, Wealthy and Wise!

Okay.  Perhaps I’m only the healthy part of the above subject line.  

Still dieting.  Which hasn’t been easy since we did go out to dinner for our anniversary to the Rusty Duck.  

Ever been there? We hadn’t either but let me tell you all about it!

It’s in Lecanto on 44 on the way to Inverness.  Looks like an abandoned house complete with landscaping gone wild and ivy growing over the roof.  And every time we drive by I just think “and that’s supposed to be an excellent restaurant?”  The place is only open for dinner and there are two seatings. And it was slammed.  We got there just in time for our reservation and had to wait a half hour for our table. It’s BYOB which keeps the wine costs down although there is a corkage fee plus a charge for using their wine chiller. The food was excellent and priced between $25 – $30 which is about right for a nice dinner. But the ambiance sucked.  It was my anniversary!  I wanted candles! Linen tablecloths! My fellow diners dressed nicely! Ingratiating servers!  All I got was excellent food.  And a lot of it. Seriously, we had enough for the next night. And I plan on going back but I’ll be in jeans and wearing some flip flops. (and possibly some kind of a shirt) I totally recommend it for dinner–just not a special one.

And I still lost 1 lb.  Yippee!

But other than the anniversary dinner and its leftovers,  I really counted the calories.  And I’m sticking with my fitness program.  Walking, lifting weights, yoga.  A combination of those every morning.  Or maybe five mornings out of seven.  

i'm looking good!
i’m looking good!

How boring is this?  Only 5 more pounds to go and I’ll quit giving you the details of my dieting dilemmas.  But have to warn you that could be another 5 weeks since I intend to lose 1 pound a week here on out.

So let’s talk about the weekend.  I can’t find anything special to do in the area this weekend but next Saturday has a LOT going on.  First, the open house at Three Sisters Springs. Then that evening from 5 – 9 is a beer festival in Crystal River at Burkes of Ireland.  So excited to add that Darin and Kathryn are coming to visit so guess where they’re going? Just want to say that they are both nature and beer lovers so it won’t take much to get them to join us for the festivities.  

And the following weekend, besides being Halloween, is the Blues and BBQ on Saturday.  I didn’t find anything on the Internet but did see at sign at MacRae’s so I know it’s on.  And then Sunday Lauri, Riley, Piper and Adley are coming to visit for a week!  Oh yeah, I’ll be putting up more pics of the grandkids. And you know that you are going to love it!  

Cool Corporate Cats, the 18th Annual Blues and BBQ festival in Old Homosassa
2013 Blues and BBQ, Cool Corporate Cats

Then there’s the Old Homosassa Seafood and Crafts Festival on the 7th and 8th.

Crab Cakes at the 2013 Homosassa Seafood, Art, and Crafts Festival
Oh yeah, Crab Cakes at the 2013 fest

 And the inaugural Giant Garage Sale event that’s taking place from the intersection south of Sugarmill Woods all the way to Crystal River Mall.  Lots of controversy about the garage sale because it’s taking place the same weekend as the Seafood Fest.  Traditionally here in Citrus County, two big events are never scheduled the same weekend.   Trouble.  We got trouble here in River City.  And that weekend we have Jes and Andrew here! Coincidence? I think not!

Have a great weekend!

Another Friday

and I’m still dieting.

As of this morning, drum roll please, I’ve lost four pounds. 

But to be perfectly honest, I was a little piggy the day before I started the diet.  Ate anything and everything.  Even a very large slice of chocolate cake.  It was wonderful.

boost-mobile-pigs (1)_copy

And my theory (and I’m sticking to it) is that my body can only absorb so many calories.  So those calories just didn’t stick and took some extra calories with them.  That’s my theory!

And a wee bit of reality…..I think I have a healthy lifestyle.  I prefer vegetables over meat.  Walk and work out almost every morning. Think happy thoughts.  

My problem is portion control.  If I start eating, I don’t stop.  So that’s what I’m working on.  Stopping at one serving.  Not easy. 

Let’s change the subject, it’s our anniversary.  (Does that mean I get to go out to dinner and totally blow this whole stupid diet idea away?)

And here’s the entire wedding–family and guests!

wedding party
Gotta love that 90s big hair thing!

Twenty-two years!  And all those people are still in our life, except for my mom who passed away. 

Please note that Terry wore glasses and I didn’t!

While I’m at it, let’s talk about one more anniversary. It’s Alan and Lauri’s second on Monday.  In the above pic, Alan’s right there in the middle with the tie.  

He’s right in the middle in this photo, too!  What a great photograph.  And that’s why we pay the professionals.

The wedding party

And it’s Terry’s birthday this weekend!  So many milestones!

Isn’t he cute!

Have a great weekend!  I”m pretty sure I will.

It’s Wednesday

And no Michelle! 

Michelle has been faithfully posting here on Wednesdays for over two years. 

She isn’t AWOL.  Just incredibly busy. 

Besides creating original content for her blog, Badzoot, she also has a 15-year-old son in high school and all those extracurricular activities that go along with that; a husband that works out of the house; plus all those odds and ends that keep her on the go. 

Anyhow, check out her website, Badzoot, where you will be entertained with Michelle’s baking, cooking, decorating, wit, and photos. 

Michelle’s always welcome to do guest posts here, too, so she may be popping up on a future Wednesday.  I’m leaving it open for her. 

I’ll be seeing her tonight at William’s football game!  Yippee! 

Happy First Day of October! (Is that a Holiday?)

Oh, and by the way, I’m messing around with my blog layout.  Things you might not even notice.  And things I might not even bother with after I’ve tried them for a couple days.  I do this once in awhile.  Mostly when I get motivated to “make things better” or I’m procrastinating on getting something really important finished .  It’s a lot easier to move things around on my computer than paint a wall or finish those Frozen costumes!