I could find no reason to buy it because I usually have a project in my head before I order fabric. I don’t like to keep a huge stash of fabric. So I usually have to justify–to myself–exactly why I NEED to buy more!
But it went on sale and I had a birthday coupon from Fabric.com for 20% off and that was all the justification I needed! So I bought it. Along with several other pieces. Some already have homes. Others (like those pink pigs) are still looking for one. Curses, now I have to get more storage! Or open up a shop and sell stuff.
After I made the very cool leopard pillow with small pom poms, I realized it needed a companion. A zebra companion. With huge pom poms on the corners.
But then I ran across some surplus piping that I made for my piano bench cushion last year.
Perfect! Almost better than pom poms! Stripes!
So here’s the pillow!
And it looks extra funky with the leopard pillow!
Just like we’re living in a very cool and funky jungle.
Like last week’s sewing project, I’m not going into great detail on how I made the pillow. This is an envelope style pillow and I have this tutorial to make the pillow cover.
Just a couple things that are different than last week’s version. This is quilting fabric so it doesn’t have a lot of “body”. I lined all three pieces–front and both backs with fleece. Use a zipper foot to attach the piping.
Here’s the back:
Just another view!
And look! It’s Maggie!
Looks like a good spot for a long winter’s nap!
When I showed it to Terry, he said it was very nice. And wondered if giraffes would be next.
I’ve been noting a lot of catalogs and home magazine referencing lumbar pillows.
Tiger Faux Fur Lumbar Pillow Cover, 16″ x 26″, $49
And what exactly is a lumbar pillow? And why don’t I have one?
I must need one. If I didn’t they wouldn’t be in the catalogs and home magazines.
Is that some kind of circular logic?
I did some research and found them all over pInterest in all kinds of sizes. Even the 12″ x 16″ that I use for the name pillows was pinned as a lumbar pillow. Pottery Barn had numerous sizes. I asked Answer.com and that website said 12″ x 18″. From my extensive research (about 5 minutes) I don’t think that there is any consistent size. But I know I don’t have one and probably need one.
So I made one.
First I made a muslin case to stuff fiberfill in. I decided that 12″ x 24″ was a good size. Perfect for my “lumbar” area. That size insert at Pottery Barn is $22.
I was happy to discover a long piece of muslin in my fabric stash so was able to cut one piece of muslin 13” x 49”. (Otherwise I would have cut two 13” x 25” pieces and stitched them together.)
Not going into great detail on this. Fold it, stitch the three sides but leave a fist sized opening to put the fiberfill in. Turn right side out. Stuff with fiberfill. I keep a couple of bags of premium fiberfill in my sewing room because it looks better in the toys I occasionally make.
Hmmmm, this might be the back of the package.
When finished stuffing, hand stitch the opening closed.
And, did I mention I’m into pom poms now? I’m blaming the blog i suwanee. One of my favorites. Bright Colors, zebras, fringes, patterns, trims, donkeys but I mostly love the POM POMS.
And another blog that I just stumbled across in blog land said that leopard is a neutral. Really. Just happened to have me some leopard fabric. Which looks great with Pom Poms.
(So am I getting really cool and funky or am I turning into the crazy old lady with pom poms on her hat wearing leopard tights? But those socks are definitely cool. And funky.)
I’m making an envelope-style pillow case. I’m not putting a lot of detail here, either, because I have featured envelope-style pillow cases manymany times. Just click on a “many” and you’ll go to more detailed instructions with pictures if you have questions!
The front is a piece of fabric 13” x 25”. Sew the pom poms on the front piece, 1/2″ from the edge. Use the zipper foot.
I would typically use two equal sized pieces for the back (13 x 18) but I’m using up some leopard faux fur I bought for another project. I didn’t quite have enough to make the two pieces. So I cut one piece 13” x 7” and the second piece 13” x 22”.
Hem one of the 13” sides on both back pieces by turning under ½”, stitch, turn under another ½”, stitch.
Note, I usually say PRESS instead of stitch on the first turn under. DO NOT PRESS FAUX FUR! I think it just might melt. Haven’t tried it. But I’m heeding the warnings.
Faux fur is also slippery so I basted the larger piece on to the front first just to be safe. Right sides together, the unhemmed 13” side even with one of the 13” sides on the front., checked it out, then basted the smaller side on.
Turned the pillow right side out and made sure all my pom poms and the corners were okay. Better taking the extra step then ripping out stitching.
Then I stitched all four sides again. Clipped corners. Turned right sides out, poked the corners so they’d be pointy and stuffed that pillow form inside.
This week I’ve changed it up a bit. I’ve been making a series of “Name” pillowcases for our grandkids. Last year I made them for Riley, Piper and Jack.
I decided to adapt the pillow created by A Spoonful of Sugar to the 12″ x 16″ size for two of our granddaughters. I also wanted the seams to be “clean”. I don’t have a serger so even though I zigzag the raw edges, the seams still look raggedy and get worse with each washing.
This is what I made:
Name Pillows for Addison and Kendall
And this is how I did it!
Directions for a pillowcase for a 12” x 16” pillow with finished seams.
Fold strip of white fabric in half lengthwise and press.
I had planned to hand embroider the name but it’s not one of my better skills so I went with the letters on my sewing machine. I put the fold of the strip against the 5/8″ seam mark. Every model will be different.
With right sides together, take the pink cuff fabric and stitch it to the name piece on the top and bottom using a ¼” seam.
Turn right side out. Press so there is one inch of pink above name. The cuff should be 4 ½”.
Embellish with zigzag stitching and top stitch bottom edge.
Take front piece of mermaid fabric. Hem one 13 ½” end by pressing under ½” then another ½” and then stitch.
Put wrong side of cuff against wrong side of hemmed edge of front.
Stitch together with ¼” seam.
Turn to the right side.
Press. Top Stitch.
Hem one 13 ½” end by pressing under ½” then another ½” and then stitch.
Attach back to front by putting wrong side of front to wrong side of back. The front piece short end will be lined up with the back piece unhemmed short end.
I’m calling the extra section that extends out the “flap”.
Stitch ¼” around two sides and bottom.
Clip corners
Turn wrong side out. Now the fabric is right sides together.
Poke the corners out and press.
Press under ¼” on sides of the flap.
Fold the flap over the cuff.
Stitch ½” on the two sides and bottom. Leave the top end open.
Turn right side out. Press.
Clean Finished Seams!
Stick the pillow form inside.
The flap will cover the open end of the pillow.
And the gratuitous Maggie shot…
Is that my name?
Three more pillows to make. Hmmmm, Adley is only 6 months old, wonder if she’d mind a cute pillow with pink pigs?