Filling in some gaps from my daily pics and catching up!

Filling in some gaps from my daily pics and catching up!
Peeps. Not a lot going on here in Old Homosassa.
Had some meetings.
Went to the park a few nights.
Jessica MacRae is planning a Halloween Party at the Homosassa Civic Club. For the kids. October 24th from 4 – 8. All you locals–part of the event is “Trunk or Treat”. Bring your treats to give out to the kids. There will be music, crafts, and a movie. Fun for all. Masks and all the appropriate protective gear will be worn. We will be having an event every month since we are not having the after-school enrichment program until January. Or at least until I can walk on two legs and deal with children running around. With face masks.
I have 10 days stuck on crutches/walker. Putting weight on that left knee just to test it for the real walk. Yikes. The weather is wonderful and I just want to be out in my yard with my flowers…and weeds.
Three months. Disabled. I’m kinda sorry I didn’t get the handicapped sticker for the Jeep so I could park a little bit closer to Publix. But, in reality. Terry is doing the driving and shopping. I just sit in the car.
Have an amazing weekend!
I’ve decided to start celebrating more holidays. Today, July 12th, is Simplicity Day. How do I know that? I googled it of course. So this should be a simple post. But it’s not. I have pics and things to say!
Speaking of holidays, it’s Christmas in July! Time to get all those Christmas projects started so you can panic two weeks before the BIG holiday because they STIll aren’t finished. (I have a project I bought all the fabric and supplies for two years ago and it still sits unfinished. Maybe that’s what I should complete before I start something new!)
And back to Old Homosassa, if you have been watching the progress on the Old Homosassa Water Tower…….the landscaping has started.
Now there is a big pile of aggregate sitting there which will be spread around. Landscaping, fencing, and adjusting the lighting is all that remains! Yippee!
Yesterday was the dedication of the Yulee Sidewalk! Most of the people that showed up were those that get the Citrus County Chronicle and all the important people from the county government, the park service, some reps from state, and the contractor. Of course Terry and I rode our bikes down. Someone had to represent the bicycle riders!
The county publicity person took a photo of all of us. She requested that the dogs be on one side and the bikes on the other. Yes–people do use the sidewalk! Mike Wright, the reporter, showed up and did some interviews. Maybe we’ll be in the paper again!
Again, you say?
Here is a article from this week’s Hometown Happenings!
Old Homosassa has been getting some good press lately. The free camp, the scholarship kids, and now the fitness program! Yeah!
I was out taking snaps of all the pretty plants in my yard for my OTHER blog this past week. And decided to share a few here.
Just some pics of giant boulders or manatees in my back yard.
After a recent piano lesson, one of the students got bored waiting for Mom to finish a project that she was working on. New uses for yoga blocks!
Sarasota Slim was at the Shed on Sunday. Really great band with a huge following and it’s usually standing room only. Lucky for us, it looked like rain and not as many people showed up. We actually got to sit at a table!
One last thought. I posted about the price war over parking last week in Old Homosassa. The American Legion did very well for their post despite the private owners dropping their price back to $10 per truck/boat trailer. I’m sure we haven’t heard the end of it!
Have a great weekend! Could be some rain!