Friday Meanderings



Took a walk in the yard on Thursday.  I’m not out there nearly enough.  Because of this mild winter, a lot of my flowers are blooming.  They are confused.

I am too.

Thought that everything was going great with our relationship with the newspaper. But an editorial was published in the Chronicle telling the Civic Club that we should just get along.  Oh there’s more than that.  Very one-sided for the other side. The real problem is that Terry was never consulted.  No one called him.  The writer talked to the coordinator that was terminated and trespassed.  And probably her husband.  But not Terry.

I have always liked the Chronicle.  Not always agreed with them.  But thought they did a good job on getting the facts.  Not this time.  The editorial is the opinion of the entire paper.  “Our” opinion it states.

Here’s the editorial, just click.


We take issue to a few comments.  First, “On the other side of the feud is civic club president Terry Green and his followers who argue the learning center is underutilized.”  It sounds like Terry has a just a few people supporting him.  He was voted in as president unanimously at the December meeting.  He has the support of the majority of the club.  And the facility was underutilized.  Open occasionally for the kids to come over where they did crafts after school. Open for a girl scout troop to meet on Friday evening.

Second, “Absent a formal lease detailing the terms and conditions of use, the feud has resulted in the learning center’s locks being changed and Bartell being summarily ousted as its director with the added rebuke of trespassing charges if she attempts to again set foot on the site. In response, Bartell has raised the prospect of a possible lawsuit.”

After Mrs. Bartell was voted by the entire Board of Directors to be terminated and while she was taking her personal possessions out of the facility, she asked what would stop her from changing the locks back.  And the detective on site said. Trespass.

She continues to maintain that the Civic Club has other purposes for the Homosassa Learning Center.  No, we are actually using it for learning.  A handout went to the school yesterday, approved by the Citrus County School District, which will go home with the students detailing the new tutoring program that will occur Monday to Wednesday from 3:30 – 5:30.

Now we are working on a schedule for adults which will include learning how to play guitar, crochet, sew, knit and give adults access to the computers and books in the Homosassa Learning Center.

There will be more.

And here’s some flowers to brighten up your day.




Have a great weekend!

Friday Meanderings

I know you are waiting impatiently for the results of the Homosassa Civic Club elections.


Of course, nobody was running against him!

Although before the meeting we believed that there would be at least one other candidate nominated from the floor.


Terry won!

Mr. President!

And Dennis Seibert won the treasurer spot.  Bill Perko returns as director.

Good news all the way around!

That was Monday night.  Wednesday night we had a meeting about RESTORING THE HOMOSASSA RIVER!

We had the leader and reps from “Save Crystal River” to give us advice.  Howard Miller from Gator Dredging that is running the project on Kings Bay was there to speak.  Chris Anas (can’t actually spell his name) from SWFMD was present along with Senator Simpson.  In addition Jeff Rogers and Randy Oliver from the county were there.  It was a GOOD meeting.

Senator Simpson said he is pushing for buckets of money to replace our worn out septic tanks and saving our springs.


Okay.  I’m writing this on Thursday evening at 6 pm.  Off to another meeting with the “Save the Homosassa River Alliance” in a few minutes.  We will be discussing last night’s meeting.


So what’s going on here in Homosassa?

It will be cold this weekend so there will be a few thousand manatees in the springs.  Just go to the Wildlife Park, pay the entrance, and go to the viewing station.  A few thousand.  Terry and I will be there on Saturday afternoon.

Next Friday, the 16th, is the CHRISTMAS GOLF CART PARADE!  We will be there with our new golf cart!

The 17th is the Christmas Outreach Program at the Civic Club.  Kids and Santa.  This is a REALLY COOL program.  The Civic Club has a party for all the kids.  With crafts, snacks and Santa hands out small gifts.  The important stuff happens behind the back door at the club.  We hand out gifts to the parents to put under the tree from Santa.

That night is the CHRISTMAS BOAT PARADE!  Go stand at the Shed.  Perfect view of the parade.

If you check out Project 365 right here, I’m trying to catch up.

Suddenly my Internet blog problems seem to be gone!  Not trusting it just yet.  Maybe some of my issues were the changeover from Brighthouse to Spectrum.  Sure I’ll never find out. I haven’t added all my “plugins” back but happy things are working again!

Have a great weekend!
