May 3, 2021
I think this is a Stella D’Ora Daylily. When we moved here there were a few planted under shady live oak trees. Looking spindly and sad. Daylilies LOVE the sun. I moved them to a sunny area along the canal. Then had to move them again when we built the sea wall and they lived in pots for a year. Planted them in another sunny spot where they have survived several floods of brackish water. These plants do persevere. Happy sunny faces.

May 2, 3021
Refurbished boat slips at Riverside.

May 1, 2021
Even smelly birds are welcome in my bird baths.

April 29, 2021
Fred and George at the Shed. Cajun Dave is on the washboard.

April 28, 2021
Just a couple of neighbors.