Happy Simplicity Day!

I’ve decided to start celebrating more holidays. Today, July 12th, is Simplicity Day. How do I know that? I googled it of course. So this should be a simple post. But it’s not. I have pics and things to say!

Speaking of holidays, it’s Christmas in July! Time to get all those Christmas projects started so you can panic two weeks before the BIG holiday because they STIll aren’t finished. (I have a project I bought all the fabric and supplies for two years ago and it still sits unfinished. Maybe that’s what I should complete before I start something new!)

And back to Old Homosassa, if you have been watching the progress on the Old Homosassa Water Tower…….the landscaping has started.

Old Homosassa Water Tower
First the chain link fence around the sides and back was cleaned and painted black. Temporary fencing was installed.
Old Homosassa Water Tower
The fill dirt has been brought in.

Now there is a big pile of aggregate sitting there which will be spread around. Landscaping, fencing, and adjusting the lighting is all that remains! Yippee!

Yesterday was the dedication of the Yulee Sidewalk! Most of the people that showed up were those that get the Citrus County Chronicle and all the important people from the county government, the park service, some reps from state, and the contractor. Of course Terry and I rode our bikes down. Someone had to represent the bicycle riders!

Yulee Sidewalk Dedication
There’s Rosey Rendueles–commissioner on the Homosassa Special Water District! And our bikes!
Yulee Sidewalk Dedication
County Commissioner Kitchen and Roger Cullen
Yulee Sidewalk Dedication
Dogs in the Hood on parade!
Yulee Sidewalk Dedication
How cute is that face!

The county publicity person took a photo of all of us. She requested that the dogs be on one side and the bikes on the other. Yes–people do use the sidewalk! Mike Wright, the reporter, showed up and did some interviews. Maybe we’ll be in the paper again!

Again, you say?

Here is a article from this week’s Hometown Happenings!

Body Sculpting

Old Homosassa has been getting some good press lately. The free camp, the scholarship kids, and now the fitness program! Yeah!

I was out taking snaps of all the pretty plants in my yard for my OTHER blog this past week. And decided to share a few here.


damn squirrels
damn squrrels
Damn Squirrel
Hey, when are feeding the birds???
Damn Squirrel
“You gotta problem with me being in the bird feeder? Then you need to build a squirrel feeder!”
This is Deedo, the squirrels don’t respect him either.

Just some pics of giant boulders or manatees in my back yard.


After a recent piano lesson, one of the students got bored waiting for Mom to finish a project that she was working on. New uses for yoga blocks!

yoga blocks

Sarasota Slim was at the Shed on Sunday. Really great band with a huge following and it’s usually standing room only. Lucky for us, it looked like rain and not as many people showed up. We actually got to sit at a table!

Sarasota Slim

One last thought. I posted about the price war over parking last week in Old Homosassa. The American Legion did very well for their post despite the private owners dropping their price back to $10 per truck/boat trailer. I’m sure we haven’t heard the end of it!

Have a great weekend! Could be some rain!

Friday Meanderings

Lots of fun stuff coming up in Old Homosassa!

Next Saturday, the 16th we have two events!

Shrimpapalooza! The Homosassa Ukers will be in the parade. I just finished the banner. Now I need to get some costumes stitched up!

banner for Shrimpapalooza parade

If you haven’t been to the parade yet, it is a ton of fun. Decorated golf carts, crazy costumes, and beads! It’s Mardi Gras Homosassa Style!

The second event is the “Art in the Park” at the Old Mill Museum festival grounds. We went last year. It’s a chance for local artists to display their work.

Old Homosassa Community Day is scheduled for April 6th. I have several non-profit groups lined up plus applications are starting to come in for the Art & Crafts show. The American Legion Post 166 will be at the grill with hamburgers and hotdogs along with beer! Chuck Andrews will be running the Open Mic on the stage. Of course, the Homosassa Ukers will be performing! And just added a cornhole tournament which should be a bunch of fun!

Old Homosassa Community Day

If you would like to take part in the Arts & Crafts, go out to the website and download the application. It’s only $20.

On April 13th, the Homosassa Civic Club and Citrus County will be presenting our FIRST GOLF CART DRIVE IN MOVIE! If you don’t have a golf cart, just come on over with your chairs. Rural King is providing the popcorn! I went to this movie as soon as it came out and am looking forward to seeing it again!

Went to the Luminary Art Walk last Friday. This is so much fun–especially if you live in Old Homosassa. You get to catch up with all of your neighbors!

Luminary Art Walk
Jim (Bo) Anderson at the Museum Cafe
Friday Meanderings
Luminary Art Walk
Pepper Creek Pottery
Luminary Art Walk
Glass Garage
Luminary Art Walk
March 1, 2019

And here’s some snaps I took. Sometimes I use my iphone and forget to upload the pictures. Here’s one from February of Cracker. He occasionally helps out at TwoPopsCafe. He’s the greeter!

February 14, 2019, Cracker
Pic of the Day
February 24, 2019, Homosassa Guides Association Fish Fry, Yum, All proceeds go back to local youth education.
Pic of the Day, African Iris
March 2, 2019, African Iris
Pic of the Day, Sunrise
March 3, 2019, Sunrise over the marsh.

After coming off of near freezing temps here in Old Homosassa, this weekend we will be back to spring time. Get out there and enjoy our outdoors. Fishing, kayaking, hiking, biking. Perfect Weather!

Have a great weekend!


Friday Meanderings

Happy first day of February and super bowl weekend!

First. The big news. Captain William Toney is holding a seminar at the Homosassa Civic Club.

Back in May 2017, Captain Toney held the same seminar in the Old Homosassa Learning Center. The civic club board was new at this and concerned that we would not have a good turnout.


It was standing room only and the AC units could not keep up with the masses of people. It was SO hot in there. But no one left and people were massed outside the doors just to catch a word or two. Captain Toney was very gracious and talked for over an hour and took questions from the audience.

This time the event will be held in the Homosassa Civic Club’s main building which can hold at least a hundred people. And it’s February so it will more likely be cold than hot and humid. But if you plan on attending and getting a seat, you may want to come a little early.

Next Subject.

I have had so many people inquire as to what’s going with the construction on Yulee Drive.


I first posted about the sidewalks in Homosassa way back in July of 2014. I heard about them when I went to a “Meet and Greet” with Commissioner J.J. Kenney. I believe that there were six people at the political event. I didn’t know any of the people at that time. But I know them all now! Iris and Bill Rose. Bill Garvin. Jim Bitter. Terry and I. The commissioner told us we were getting sidewalks so the local residents could walk or ride bikes to the Homosassa Library. Iris Rose pointed out that there are no sidewalks on the busy street, Groover Cleveland Blvd. where the library is. I thought that was amusing.

The sidewalks again came up at a Town Hall meeting at the Homosassa Library on July 31, 2014. A sidewalk design would be made in Fall of 2015 and construction could maybe possibly almost assuredly start in 2016. Ha!

J.J. Kenney was soundly defeated by Ron Kitchen but the story continued.

February 2015 the new 60% plans came out and the county was planning to cut down seven of our beautiful oak trees that form the canopy over Yulee Drive. That’s when Terry and I kinda sorta became activists. Through this blog, going to meetings, and hanging out in a few bars, we let everyone–along with the county commissioners, county adminstrator and county transportation people–know that cutting trees down was not acceptable.

The 90% plans came out in May 2015 and the sidewalk was going around the trees. Victory.

And now, finally, after almost 5 years, the sidewalks are going in!!!!! And the trees have been spared!

I should have taken pics of the sidewalk construction but it’s been a crazy week. I didn’t even do a pic a day. So I’m going to present you with four snaps of one day!

homosassa junior ukers
Homosassa junior ukers
homosassa junior ukers
homosassa junior ukers

Those kids are the Homosassa Junior Ukers. They are beyond adorable. Miss Anita is teaching them to play chords, pick notes, and how to read music. She is amazing. The kids usually act like they aren’t playing attention but they all get up and play solos and can write their notes on the board. I love it!

Alright that’s it for this week!

Have a great weekend!
