In the garden
Damn Squirrel
Does anyone out there like squirrels? How many times have I seen people feeding them bits of crackers and chips at the park? Don’t they know that they are just rats with fluffy tails?
Squirrels are my nemesis. Last year I couldn’t figure out why my beautiful tomatoes were disappearing just as they were getting ready to ripen. That is until one of those tomatoes fell out of the tippy top of one of our huge trees. Not only were the squirrels eating them, they were trying to drop them on my head!
The previous year the nasty rodents stole the squash blossoms right off of the vines. They dig up every plant I have in a pot so they can bury acorns. They also like to use the hanging baskets for spring boards to the next perch. And I’ve given up on succulents. Michelle has given me two pots of them now–the squirrels just chew them down to nubs.They play havoc with the twinkly lights that are on our deck, dock and trees as they chew through the wires and bite the lights right off of the line.
And now their latest escapade, because honey bees took over one of our hummingbird feeders this spring, I found one that was supposed to be insect proof. Not only do the bees not like it, but the hummingbirds won’t use it either!

But the squirrels love the new flying-saucer shaped feeder!
So I’ve put Maggie on alert. The last squirrel that drank out of the hummingbird feeder got quite fat and happy. Which ended up being it’s ultimate downfall–so fat it couldn’t outrace my chunky monkey Maggie. The Magster still has a little scar on her leg from that battle. But she was the victor! Gone Squirrel!