Friday Meanderings

This was a beautiful week. Busy but beautiful.

Here’s a hawk that’s using my bird feeder as his bird feeder.




So, like I said.  This hawk is using my bird feeder for dinner.  Yesterday when I went out to fill up the feeder he was sitting on top of it and I had to chase him away.

Doves–you need to move to a new untended feeder!

This guy was actually watching a snake that was coiling around our deck. And I would show you pics but I promised a friend (from ND) that I would never put a snake snap on this site again. Because she’s terrified of them. Not that she actually reads the blog anymore.

But a promise is a promise.

So if you want to see the cool snake photos you’ll have to go to my other blog’s photo page,

I do have some nice shots of a Monarch Butterfly right here!

And an update on the stage for the Homosassa Arts, Crafts, and Seafood Festival–It’s done!  Just needs to be moved into place!

stage for the Homosassa ARts Crafts and Seafood Festival

So what’s up this weekend?

Sarasota Slim will be at the Shed on Sunday at 2 pm. Very cool band.

Besides that, we’ll be hanging out on the Nature Coast. It’s a laid back weekend for us!

Have a great weekend!


Friday Meanderings

OHHC t-shirt


You probably know I’m not a big fan.  I joined many years ago at the urging of my children because they wanted me to know what was going on in their lives.  And most of the time I’m glad I did. (especially seeing Piper and Adley in Hawaii a few weeks ago since their parents wouldn’t take me with them as the nanny)

But after going through the slandering Terry and I both experienced in the past five months on FB without any recourse plus the politcal rantings on both sides of the aisle, I’m not on there much.

Having said that, I still go on to update a couple of the local non-profit pages. (And I can’t resist checking out what those grandkids are doing.)

And….that’s when I saw a photo on FB of Jes and me the last time we did the Gasparilla 15K together. (You know if you are on FB, they like to say remember this photo?) It must have been from Jessica’s camera because I can’t find the photo.  But I did find these!

At the convention center hanging with a pirate when we picked up our bag of stuff!

Here’s me all ready to go!

And at the run!

Gasparilla 15k


And all I could think of was “seven years ago I did a 15K?????”

What happened to me?

I don’t think either one of us looks older (other than it seems I lost all the pigment in my hair since then) but it was only seven years ago that I ran a 15 K?????

And that wasn’t just something I trained for as a one time event.  I RAN IT EVERY YEAR FOREVER!  Until six years ago!

I started running when I was about 30.  And my knees and back really hurt back then.  Even went to a doctor because my shin splints were so bad.  The doctor said, “quit running”.

Now I’m 61. I still run (not 9 miles). And my knees and back really hurt still. But no worse then 31 years ago.

Running.  So many people hate it.  But it’s been my savior.  (Along with Terry who was there for me in a really bad time) It’s my meditation.  My alone time.  My get it together time.

Okay, enough about the meanderings.

I’ve got a reveal!

So exciting!


OHHC t-shirt

Don’t tell anyone I showed this here.  Cause, the t-shirts aren’t available yet.  And, like, no one knows about it. TOP SECRET!


Just kidding.  I did the letters.  Oh, I took the picture, too.

Our friend Gil Watson did the art.  He and Wendy also gave me advice on the letters.


Just kidding, not hard when someone gives me guidance.

And Gil and Wendy are reopening their gallery TONIGHT!

And it’s the Luminary Art Walk, too.

OK, if you live anywhere near Homosassa, you need to stop by and check out their gallery.  Wendy has been hand-painting pebbles on the floor while Gil has been creating beautiful art for the Old Homosassa Heritage Council!

Gil and Wendy truly support the community.  They have given us so much.  But, gotta say, Gil this is the best artwork ever.

There are several other galleries to check out.

I personally have always wanted to live in an art destination.  Can we make my dream come true?

Next week is the “Old Homosassa Community Day”.

And I’m going to say that this was totally my idea while I was out on a run.

The Old Homosassa Heritage Council had already reserved the Homosassa Civic Center for a yard sale.

And I said, “hey kids, let’s make it bigger and better!”

And now.

I’m going for a run!