Friday again.
And it’s still hot.
But we did get a bit of rain yesterday. Just a bit. And it was a blessing.
And I’m almost over being sick. Sheesch. Summer cold. Miserable. Two grandkids came to visit while I was sick plus Great Grandma Shirley. Besides not being a very good hostess, I probably sent them all home with a summer cold. Sorry guys.
I really was sick. I think I picked up some weird bug from all those politicians at the “Meet and Greet” that I was the hostess for at the Civic Club. After I was deathly ill, Terry came down with it. We still entertained those adorable grandkids but maybe not quite as enthusiastically.

I had planned on saying last week that I actually did get featured on a DIY blog a LOT bigger than mine! Check it out at SewMamaSew. I’m almost famous. Okay. Not really. But I did get a couple new hits on my DIY website. And I’ve got a really shiny pretty new bag!
Been working on the Homosassa Arts, Crafts, and Seafood Festival. This will be the BEST festival ever. Terry’s running the show so everything is very organized and he’s going above and beyond. Plus he’s following every lead for grants and sponsors. We’ve got great chairpeople running the arts, crafts, and food. I’ve lined up four exciting local music groups. Oh, and the best, the Homosassa Elementary Chorus will be performing. We are bringing the doorprizes back and we already have a lot to distribute. Lots more to do but we are headed in the right direction!
Like I said, it’s hot here. I’m sure there are things going on. But I’m just spending this weekend trying to get completely better. In the air conditioning. Napping.
Okay, I can’t close this without mentioning Phil Royal’s death. I met Mr. Royal only a few times but always came away with the impression that this was a good person and would be a great Citrus County Sheriff. At only 47 he made a huge impact on Citrus County. He was everywhere that Terry and I went lately and I have a few photos of him on my Mullet Toss post. He was young, only married for a year, and had a brand new baby girl. It’s very difficult to for me to understand this loss so I’m going to stop now.
Hope you have a great weekend,