If you’ve been following me for a bit, you might have seen those words before. This “blog” is almost four years old. Zowie–how time flies when you’re having fun.
Or not having fun.
It still flies.
But I’m all about ch-ch-ch-change. Especially when things aren’t working.
Like my DIY website Designs by KTGreen.
After almost ONE YEAR. Not working.
Lauri and Terry P. are pretty much my only followers. Well, maybe Yvonne and Donna check it out once in awhile.
Thank you Lauri and Terry and Yvonne and Donna. But I think it’s time to just give up.
Okay. Not giving up. But it’s time to adapt.
I made a whole lot of stuff and ran giveaways and wrote clever posts. But doing all that sewing and photographing and writing and getting no new readers–I think it’s time to move on. Not sure how I’m going to handle that website at this moment. I’ll still be sewing ’cause that’s just who I am. I’ll post the QAYG blocks here–I’ve got March’s almost ready. And the finished quilts if I ever get back to that.
I did put a lot of effort into Designs by KT Green for several months but didn’t get very much feedback. Meanwhile I started on a different project which I really enjoyed. And DID get a lot of positive response from. More about that in weeks to come!
But I have LOTS of OTHER ideas. And friends that leave me phone messages with more ideas. (Thank you Gil)
Poor Terry. My head is just brimming with stuff. Sometimes he says “no” (like my dream of running an art gallery right here in Old Homosassa or buying all the empty houses on my street). Other times he’s “that might work, let’s check it out”. He even sat through a SCORE seminar just to support me in my latest crazy idea. He even introduced himself as the person that carries my bags. (Once in awhile I hear him utter under his breath, “happy wife happy life”.)
He’s pretty good about all the geeky or techie or music or sewing things I think that I need.
I don’t want pedicures or designer clothes or diamonds or a vacation to Paris or an Escalade. (Mind you, there’s certainly nothing wrong with any of that stuff but where my head is right now, it just doesn’t fit)
I want fabric and jeans and Adobe Creative Cloud and trips to DC and ND and a Deering Banjo. (Hmmmm, maybe a Corvette)

How many people are lucky enough to live in Perfect??????
So what’s going on this weekend?
We are having a clean up day at the Old Homosassa Water Tower. 9:30 am. Bring your shovels and hoes and trimmers and all that other stuff. Oh yeah, don’t forget your garden gloves. We plan to be finished by 11:00 am.
And then we probably oughta and should really go visit Terry’s mom in Tampa and go to a basketball game that the absolutely adorable precious grandkids are playing in.
We hear that JACK is a basketball star. He was pretty good at four. Looking forward to seeing basketball star at five!
Also planning on going to the “Art in the Park” in Brooksville at the Tom Varn Park on Sunday.
(But to be totally honest, right now, on Thursday evening while I’m typing this after an entire week of anxiety-producing meetings (oh wait I did go to see “Under the Willow” on Tuesday so I guess I can’t count that as stressful) I think I’d rather stay home on Sunday, sleep in, have a big breakfast with a bloody mary or two, then take a nap….or..two.)
And that’s life in Perfect!
Have a great weekend!