The Citrus County Corvette and Camaro Club had a tour scheduled for this past Saturday of a car restoration facility. Followed by a car show. Wasn’t sure if I wanted to go. I like to ride in a fancy schmancy sports car but that doesn’t mean I want to know how they fix them. It was a cold morning and all I could think about is “do you think they have heat in the garage?”
But I couldn’t find any excuse (believe me I tried) to get out of the excursion so I went along. And actually enjoyed the tour!
Here’s the place. If you take regular trips to Spring Hill down 19, you’ve probably drove right by it without even noticing the building.

First we saw two examples of the seven generations of the Corvette.

Dave and Shannon Rodriguez started West Coast Classic in 2006. It’s a family business with daughter Sabrina also working in the office. Shannon welcomed us when our car club arrived then began the tour in the office. She then moved out to the garage where her husband Dave joined her. They both spoke passionately about the business and restoring cars the right way. Their projects have been featured in many car magazines plus they have been approached about doing reality TV. The Rodriguez’s have declined the TV show because the producers just want to see arguments. And “That’s no way to run a business”. I was very impressed with this young couple.
Several of the employees explained what part they played in restoring the vehicles.

It was a very interesting tour. They not only do restorations but also do regular automobile maintenance. If you want to learn more about West Coast Classic, check out their website.