We not only have a hippo in one of our state parks, we have mermaids in another! And both parks are within 30 minutes from our home. How lucky are we? How happy are our grandkids?
Mermaid show!
Since I know where they keep the mermaids, Piper and I slipped out as soon as the show was over and got to the mermaid photo shoot before any of the other little mermaid lovers!
Mermaid Deidra with Princess Piper
We were probably with the mermaid for 5 minutes before anyone else showed up. So Piper struck up a private mermaid conversation.
Next up was the reptile show, where we learned the difference between a tortoise and a turtle plus how to pet an alligator (very carefully)!
Final stop, boat ride on the Weeki Wachee River!We saw one eagle and a manatee on our boat tour. Then the day was done.
We took Riley, Piper and Adley to the wildlife park last week. It was a cool but sunny afternoon and the creatures were all enjoying the weather.
The alligators were catching the rays.
Discovered that the ibis know that the noise of the crank on the coin-operated bird food machine means treats are on the way.One of many that came looking for goodies.The manatees are coming in from the cold Gulf and congregating in the warm springs.Not sure what Lu was up to here.He was unusually active.
two cold fronts came down from Canada. (Sounds like a joke, doesn’t it?)
Terry called them a Canadian Clipper.
But the weatherguys just called it two cold fronts that came down from Canada.
We called it freaking cold while we were sitting outside in 50 degree weather under huge live oaks with about 50 mph wind knocking limbs and debris out of the sky. Watching the Blues. As our hands turned blue.
Okay. It wasn’t that bad. I had my winter jacket on, gloves, and a quilt. Which was great until I spilled beer on my chair and we used the quilt to mop it up. Dumb move.
The festival was GREAT! I seriously look forward to this all year and was not disappointed. Suzanne Smith was the first band and that petite woman can wail. And her band was fantastic.
The Suzanne Smith Band had people on their feet. There’s Jim (Bo) Anderson, pres of the Nature Coast friends of the Blues.Jim Davis, a local music enthusiast, did the announcing between sets.
Next up was Blue Dice from Tampa. They played almost all original music–the one exception was a cover of a Bruce Springsteen classic. A mix of blues, jazz and funk with a lot of horns. They looked like they were having a great time putting on the show.
The festival closed with Damon Fowler. This guy had a unique voice and his music was a mix of blues and hard driving rock.
Some young dancers entertained us during Damon Fowler’s set.
According to the hand-out at the festival “Proceeds from this year’s Blues ‘n Bar-B-Que will go toward an underclassmen scholarship for a local Citrus County High School student to take music lessons.”