Photos taken at the 15th Annual Homosassa River Fireworks Fest in Old Homosassa on June 28th.
Local Places and Faces on the Nature Coast of Florida
Thought I’d start out the month by doing a little shout out….
First, Rosie Rendules, friend and neighbor, is running for the Homosassa Special Water District board. Go Rosie!
I couldn’t find any pics of just Rosie, but here’s a group pic from earlier this year. We were all dressed up fancy schmancy that night.
Rosie is also working on saving the Old Homosassa Water Tower that was scheduled for demolition. If you want to help out with the effort, go out to Facebook and search for “Save Homosassa Water Tower”. There’s a group that Marian MacRae started called Old Homosassa Historical Preservation Society (OHHPS). They are currently working on making the group nonprofit. They are also planning on putting up a website. If you want to help out, ask to join through Facebook.
I met a couple of people down at the Shed this week that have been following my blog. I was so glad that they came up and introduced themselves. Made my day! They are looking for property in the area and stumbled across my website. Fun!
We rode our bikes to the River Fest Friday night. Crazy, right? Terry had lots of lights on the bikes. Everything would have been fine if I just hadn’t had that last glass of wine. Yes, I fell off on my way home while we were cutting through the woods. I landed in a big pile of fluffy weeds. No harm. I just like to admit that I’m occasionally really stupid!
This Saturday is the 2nd Annual Mullet Toss at the Old Mill Tavern. We’ll be riding our bikes, again, but this event takes place during the day. I should be okay! The money goes to the Homosassa Elementary school.
And last shout out is to Paul and Sue, wherever you are. Here’s some photos of your new neighbor’s property!
Finally, a reason to go to Crystal River Mall!
The best Cajun food I’ve had since leaving Houston. We had heard good reports about this place from several different people and stopped by there last Tuesday.
I started with seafood gumbo and forgot to snap a pic. I was so hungry and it was so good. Full of seafood and white rice–perfect. We’d already started in on our lunch when I remembered to get these photos….
The shrimp and grouper were excellent as was the jambalaya and red beans and rice. I’m pretty picky about my blackening and usually only have it at home because I make my own. Usually it’s a too salty for me at restaurants but this was excellent. The tomatoes were even fresh and yummy–not those hard plastic type you typically get at restaurants. And the tarter sauce was incredible. And the hush puppies–the best. I yeah, I could go on and on and on…
Jimmy, the owner, has his own fishing boats that go out from Madeira Beach. He was also our server and brought out a piece of fresh grouper for us to check out. You can buy fresh seafood right at the café.
It was so good that we went back on Saturday for lunch. And I gobbled up my blackened grouper sandwich and hush puppies before I thought about pictures. Terry had a deep-fried shrimp po boy and french fries.
Just writing this has made me hungry. Jimmy–we’ll be back!