The tournament is a lot of fun even if you don’t fish. BBQ on Saturday and fish fry on Sunday. Plus art, t-shirts, and the OHHC booth! It’s turning into a mini-festival!
It was also the end of the Amazing Race Scavenger Hunt! My friends won 1st and 2nd. And I didn’t give them any clues. Seriously, I didn’t know the answers!

The third place winner, Teri Reed, gave half of her winnings back to the OHHC. Melinda told me yesterday that her and Sue gave all their winnings back to the community–with drinks at Old Mill!
If you read my posts on NatureCoaster.com, the following info is not new. (You read it, right? Comes out on Thursday!) Just in case you don’t, I’m giving you a little review…..
Way back in April, two groups from Old Homosassa headed to Tallahassee to show support for adding two bills to the state budget for funding. Both groups, “Access to the River” and “Homosassa River Restoration Project” got bills passed and money in the state budget.
Unfortunately, the governor vetoed the money for the restoration project.
Steve Minguy, president of the Homosassa River Restoration Project, is not giving up. In an email to concerned residents, Steve thanked Senator Simpson and Representative Massullo for their support but the group is not waiting for next year to ask for money from the state. They are staying active. He will be setting up a community meeting plus putting together a brochure. In addition, he is looking for a “good grant writer”.
I’m disappointed. The commissioners unanimously voted for Crystal River saying that the boardwalk idea has been discussed for 24 years! The chairperson of our group, Roger Cullen, got up to say that Old Homosassa has been trying to get a park on the river for 70 years.
Anyhow, that’s where we are now. I’ll update you as the park progresses–that’s what I’m here for!
On a lighter note, Terry and I went to lunch before the BOCC meeting in downtown Inverness. We planned on going to Deco Cafe which I’ve wrote about before. Closed! What! That doesn’t leave much on that block. Stumpknockers, Coaches, Subway and Motor City Pasta. We went to the later because that was the only place we hadn’t been yet. Terry and I both had paninis. Very Yummy. Unless something new opens up before our next BOCC visit, we will go there again.
Scallop season is almost on us. Again. The influx of scallopers helps our economy but hurts the river. A typical boater comes in, heads out to the Gulf, snorkels for the scallop, head back to the spring and shuck those scallops. After years and years and years of throwing those shells into the springs, the local community groups have gotten together to stop this activity. Yeah, pick up those scallops but throw the shells in the Gulf. Not our river. After asking the county to step in to help stop this activity, Old Homosassa got this sign at the boat ramp.
That wasn’t good enough for our local residents. They banded together and had these signs made.
Local citizens, community groups, and businesses are placing these signs in prominent spots.
I know. You are thinking. I HAD NO IDEA!
Hey. It’s okay. Just don’t do it anymore!
Have a great weekend!