That’s the debris in front of the house three doors down from us.
And that’s what is in front of every house that is sea level on both sides of the river. And most of the entire Nature Coast.
I was at a “happy hour” last week which was more like a “get together and commiserate hour” and one of the women said, and I paraphrase, ” it could have been worse. it’s a car. i’m alive.” and then she said ” but i might have lost my roses.”
My house is 8 feet above sea level. We had minor minor minor damage.
But I did lose my purple coneflowers and blue salvias. They don’t like to be immersed in brackish water for 12 hours.
My roses are fine.
A lot of people have “storm flu” around here. Probably partly from exhaustion, having storm water touch bare skin, taking cold showers, total stress of losing more than you thought you would.
Just want to make one more statement before I finally get beyond this whole hurricane storm flooding total life changing fiasco.
Like I said, we lost very little. But those that lost a lot keep hearing, “Why didn’t you prepare? Why weren’t you ready? You live on the water. Didn’t you know better?”
No. We didn’t. We watched the weather forecast that this storm was approaching for TWO WEEKS! The day of, we got a reverse 911 call from the Sheriff’s department in the early afternoon that there would be NO mandatory evacuation. If we were worried about flooding, that the local storm shelter was open.
Then around 8 pm, we got another reverse 911 call saying “Whoops, looks like we got a storm surge coming. Possibly 8 feet! Sorry. Hope you’ll be okay!” No, that’s not verbatim, either. Totally made that up. But that was the message.
Okay. Like I said, last post about the storm.
Moving on…..
Terry and I have been to many meetings this week. Getting ready for the Festival. Monthly meetings of the groups that we are in.
But we also had a talk from the Citrus County Mosquito Board.
We mainly went because friends of ours asked us to set up the meeting at the Civic Club. So we had to open up the building anyhow! But it was amazingly informative!

Can I bore you with some facts?
There are 84 different mosquito types in Florida. 47 in Citrus County.
Zika has already been here–travel related. But, if that travel related victim is bit by a mosquito, it travels all over the place. When they have a report of Zika, they do not know the exact location because of privacy issues. But they do know the cross roads.
So they fog one mile around that location.
For three days. And go door to door.
There was so much interesting info. You would not believe. Like, all the bromeliads I have are just mosquito breeding chambers. I have to flush them out every three days with water.
I need to put mosquito dunk thingees (yes, totally technical term) in my four rain barrels. Even though they have lids, if we don’t put silicone around the pipes and net across the top, it’s a mosquito breeding ground!
And I must scrub out my bird baths every three days. (Okay, I already knew that and have been trying to keep on that schedule)
What’s going on?
There’s a scallop festival this weekend.
Next week is the “Party with a Purpose”. (Instead of the Homosassa River Raft Race–still don’t know why?)
But Terry and I will be at the Old Homosassa Heritage Council Booth with raffle tickets for a Golf Cart and we will have some really great t-shirts. All money goes to painting the Old Homosassa Water Tower.
Scheesh. Everyone wants to get beyond that whole Water Tower thing. It’s been rebuilt. We need to get this thing painted so I can quit talking about that project and start on a bigger and better one. Yeah, we have other things to save!
Okay. That’s it for this week.
Have a great weekend!