Yes, I went to Banjo Camp!

Cervany Center

And, while I hate to bore you with my banjo stuff, I must.  It was amazing.  I spent three days at Suwannee Banjo Camp in Live Oak at the Cervany Conference Center. Total banjo heaven.

Cervany Center
Cervany Conference Center in Live Oak
guest rooms
Guest Rooms
The courtyard
beautiful view
Just another beautiful view

Yes, I went to Banjo Camp!

So, besides all the wonderful views, there was a lot of banjo classes and picking.  

You might not follow the banjo world, but the instructors were the TOP of the field.  And both evenings we were treated to a concert by the faculty.

Ned Luberecki

Ned Luberecki

Janet Beazley

Janet Beasly

Alan Munde

Alan Munde

And the very best, Tony Trischka.

Tony Trischka


And I came home with another banjo.  Used.  15-years-old.  But WHAT A BANJO!

More about that in a future post!

Two banjos
Two banjos, a baby grand, a tenor ukulele and one kids guitar. My collection is slowly growing!


Gasparilla Pirate Invasion

Fun day Saturday!  Been to the Gasparilla Parade numerous times, checked out the Gasparilla Art Festival more than once and ran the Gasparilla Long Distance Classic close to 20 times. (at least it seems like I have that many t-shirts)

But this was my FIRST Gasparilla Pirate Invasion.

Thanks to Darin and Kathryn who now live on Davis Island, they found the perfect spot for friends and family to join them for the water side of the party. 

The View at 9:40.

Gasparilla Pirate Invasion

And three hours later….

Gasparilla Pirate Invasion

Lots of beads, beers, and boats between those two photos!

I very bravely squeezed my way through the throngs to stand on the seawall to get these shots. Very dangerous.  Seriously, not only beads get thrown from those boats, but I witnessed a few beers flying through the air along with many water balloons.  I asked the guys standing beside me to protect me from the missiles.  They did a pretty good job, I only got pelted by cheap plastic jewelry.   

Gasparilla Pirate Invasion
Beads! The bounty of Mardi Gras, Shrimpapalooza and Gasparilla!
Gasparilla Pirate Invasion
Little Pirates just starting out the morning. Took Jack and Kendall a little while to figure out you really wanted those beads and you had to wear them!

Gasparilla Pirate Invasion

Gasparilla Pirate Invasion

Gasparilla Pirate Invasion

Gasparilla Pirate Invasion

Gasparilla Pirate Invasion Gasparilla Pirate Invasion Gasparilla Pirate Invasion Gasparilla Pirate Invasion Gasparilla Pirate Invasion

Ye Mystic Krew, in the distance, canons smoking!
The “Jose Gasparilla” with Ye Mystic Krew in the distance, canons smoking and guns blasting!

Gasparilla Pirate Invasion

Gasparilla Pirate Invasion
The Royal Court. Not quite as cool as the pirate ship, but I bet that was a HUGE party!
Gasparilla Pirate Invasion
The Rough Riders. Wonder if the horses are on the boat?

Fun!  Looking forward to next year!

Indian Rocks Beach

Indian Rocks Beach

Went to visit a friend at Indian Rocks Beach last week.  It was VERY COLD and windy.  But I had my wooly hat, scarf, and mittens, so I was prepared.

Here’s the bridge we walked over from Angela’s place to get to the beach.
My friend, Angela, and me. We had some shrimp and beer. Sitting in the sun and out of the wind. Perfect!
Indian Rocks Beach
Angela’s standing in front of the Intra-coastal and that’s her condo building.

Indian Rocks Beach

Indian Rocks Beach

sand sculpture
Sand Sculptures created for Christmas. These are elves dressing up in Santa’s clothes.

Indian Rocks Beach

sunset at Indian Rocks beach