Friday Meanderings

Last week I said that we were going to the Suitcase Party. Not so. Tropical Storm Nestor changed all that. Canceled until November 1st. Hopefully I’ll have some pics here after that.

Just in case you forgot, the Homosassa Arts, Crafts, and Seafood Festival is on November 9th and 10th!!!!! (how could you forget??)

Terry and I and the rest of the volunteers are in full FESTIVAL mode. Meetings every week. Some of the teams are there working every day. I’m posting on the festival FB page to spread the word. (And answering the questions and replying to the comments.) T-shirts are in and they are AMAZING! Can’t share that but, believe me, you will love these shirts! The food court is full and there is a great array of food selections. Artists and Crafters are just about sold out. Entertainment is set. I know I say this every year, but this will be the BEST festival ever!

We joined the Homosassa Civic Club back in 2014. There were more people at our festival meeting today than there were ever at the regular monthly meetings of the civic club. People are excited about being part of the Homosassa Civic Club. They are excited about what the Homosassa Civic Club does for the community. They are excited about how they are helping the community! And they are excited that it’s FUN!

Okay. Other subjects. Went to the Mel Eckley “Meet and Greet” at “Crew, the Bar”. That’s in Crystal River. Used to be Burke’s of Ireland. The new owners have cleaned up the place and have all this great art work now.

This is Mel that is running for Sheriff. Terry and I have been following the Sheriff’s race very closely. This is our personal choice. Mel is the guy! He lives in our community. He is educated and experienced. Our county needs him to be Sheriff.

Now I want you to look at the artwork on the walls behind Mel. OMG! I want those climbing people on my walls! (they might be out of my price range)

JoJo Jones was there performing. I (finally) introduced myself and Terry to her. She entertained at the festival last year and will be playing again this year. I LOVE her voice!

And what are the “Homosassa Morning Bikers” up to……

Still riding!

Are we having fun?????? And getting in shape???? We don’t make the 8:30 ride very often but it is always FUN!!!!!

What’s coming up? The famous “Chris and Rob” are having a party at the Homosassa Civic Club on Saturday. These guys are great musicians. You need to stop by. No invitation necessary. We will be there.

Blues and BBQ on November 2nd. This is a great event. We never miss it. This year the theme is “Women in the Blues”.



Meanderings for a Monday

Didn’t get to write on Friday because we were out of town.

Went to Tampa for a couple of days to celebrate our anniversary and Terry’s birthday.

Terry and I met in Tampa. Here’s everyone that was at our wedding 27 years ago…

wedding party

I think that photo is pretty cool. The kid in the red shirt is Darin, Terry’s son. The other two kids are mine. Alan and Jessica. That’s my niece Michelle with the big hair and my sister the artist is next to her. My friend Bonny, third from the left and my mom, third from the right, have both passed away. I still hang with the two women on the left–Donna and Yvonne.

Anyhow, we went to Tampa to celebrate. Stayed on the RiverWalk. The city has changed SO much since we lived there.

Here we are at the hotel bar right after we checked in. Guess we have changed as much as the city!

Sheraton Hotel on Riverwalk

While there, we witnessed two weddings. We weren’t invited, we just happened to be in the same location.

Wedding at Ulele
wedding at Sheraton
Wedding at the hotel. The men in the wedding party arrived on a boat. The women came out to the boat when it arrived and followed along behind after the men disembarked.

Here’s the view from our room.

the view

We walked A LOT! Here’s the University of Tampa at night.

University of Tampa

We had our anniversary dinner at Ulele’s. The food was good but pricey. And the noise in the restaurant was unbelievable. Not exactly a romantic dinner. I told Terry that he owes me a nice quiet romantic dinner at Vintage on 5th.

Here’s Princess Ulele. Her story is the same as Pocohantas and John Smith.


Terry’s kids live in Tampa so we met them at Armature Works for dinner for his birthday. I don’t have any pics. But–really–they were there!

Armature Works is a bunch of restaurants in one building. We went to Steelbach. Also incredibly noisy. And expensive. The place was PACKED. Just like Ulele’s was the night before.

When we lived in Tampa that part was rather seedy. No way would we have wanted to go there–we definetly wouldn’t have been walking there after dark! Now it’s almost Disneylike and a hang out for the young and beautiful. Lots of people with babies and/or pets.

We went on the Pirate Adventure Water Taxi. Here’s one snap from that trip. This is supposed to depict Mangrove roots.

We had a great time. It was nice to get away and to see how Tampa is changing with the times.

But we were really happy to get home.

Walking in the Hood

We walk four days a week. Bicycle the other three days.

This has been our view on our walks for the past several week.

Mason Creek, Homosassa
Mason Creek, Homosassa

The county is putting sewer lines in for “Garcia Point”. The area borders the Homosassa River. Terry and I are all for replacing those leaky septic tanks and helping out our suffering river.

This week the Roosters got into the construction mode.

Mason Creek, Homosassa
Mason Creek, Homosassa
Safety First!