Meanderings on Monday

Thought I’d start out with some exciting news.  I’m now a weekly blogger for the Chronicle Online.  I sent an email to the publisher Gerry Mulligan after I read his column last Sunday and he asked me to start blogging for them about the local places I visit.  Fun!  I can only post a few pics on the new blog so you’ll have to come here for the complete pictorial story!  Oh yeah, it’s completely voluntary but I’m doing it for this blog so I’m extending it to another platform.  So here’s my first post:

I’ll be updating every Thursday and will post the link here on Monday.

Upcoming events:  The Shrimpapalooza is returning to Old Homosassa.  A parade, a festival and I can get there on my bicycle. My kind of event!  Last year’s parade was so much fun with locals, dogs, corvettes, golf carts, beads and lots of food in the festival grounds by the Homosassa Civic Club–the same place that the Homosassa Seafood Festival is held in November.

And because one party is never enough, there is a kick off party at High Octane Saloon on March 8th.

And now lets talk about the chicken wing challenge! One of the highlights in Gerry Mulligan’s column which I posted about last Monday is “the consumption of large amounts of chicken wings” in Citrus County.  He lists Lollygaggers in Crystal River, Coaches in Inverness, and the Cove on the east side of Inverness.  So Terry and I’ve decided to do a little “investigative reporting” and find out what’s so special about these pubs and their wings.  I’m not a wing lover but Terry is so he’ll have to be the judge on that aspect–I’ll be there to check out the atmosphere.  I know there’s a lot of local readers out there, so if you want to join us in this challenge, let me know, either with a comment or email!

More fun to come!

Meanderings on Monday
Terry’s Wings



Time to make some changes to the blog.  Hopefully you’ll think that they are for the better.  If not, let me know.  I’m always open to new ideas.

In Sunday’s Citrus Chronicle, publisher Gerry Mulligan’s column was “Enjoy County like a Tourist”. He highlighted several places in our own back yard that residents should visit. While Terry and I have hit most of the listed attractions, the article has inspired us to revisit those plus experience the few we missed. We really do appreciate all the great opportunities we have here in Citrus County.

Therefore on Tuesdays I will be highlighting our local attractions and people. I’ll be posting about our stops at all the places Mr. Mulligan listed plus add our own discoveries and put the links in our new menu tab Local Places, Local Faces.  I may venture out of Citrus County on these trips but they’ll usually be somewhere on the Nature Coast.

Thursday is our Travel Dog Blog, also a new menu tab. This week will feature one of the places that Mr. Mulligan listed in his article.

Michelle will continue posting her great recipes, DIY, decorating or whatever else she feels like writing about on Wednesday.

And I’ll continue erratically posting “Dogs in the Hood”, silly websites I’ve discovered, countdowns to events, DIY projects I’ve bungled and food I’ve burnt—just my typical meanderings!

I’ve always been all about change is GOOD!

And here’s a photo to start out your week!

Goodnight Moon



Nature Delivered Farm

My niece Rebecca, owner of Nature Delivered Farm in Brooksville, was recently notified that pork from her farm was selected by the Ritz-carlton culinary team to be served at The James Beard House, NYC.  Pretty Cool!

Food-Alliance wrote: “Rebecca Krassnoski’s Nature Delivered Farms pork shoulder and belly has been selected by the Jack Dusty (Ritz Carlton-Sarasota)Culinary Team for their Dinner at the James Beard House in NYC on March 6th. Congrats Rebecca!”

And here’s some happy pigs to brighten up your Friday!

Nature Delivered Farm pigs