Gel Stain

I’ve been moving furniture around.  Since my house is already well furnished, if I add in one little piece, something has to go.  And I hate getting rid of things–especially hate getting rid of any storage items.  Storage is a big issue in Florida.  No basements and the attics are too hot and inconvenient to be much use.  Although I tell myself that if I need more storage I have too much stuff, I really do need those extra sheets, blankets, and pillows.  But they are all bulky and consume mass quantities of space.

So as a result of moving things about, I also decided to update some of the pieces.  Some successfully, some pretty sad.  But on this particular trunk, I was happy with the results.  I’d never really liked it.  Just a pine piece that I picked up at an unfinished furniture store but it provided needed storage in the guest room for blankets, sheets, and pillows. Terry had to reattach the trim a few times since it kept popping off.  Not a really high quality piece, and I hated the color that I stained it.  Pretty boring.  But I didn’t want to paint it since I already have enough painted furniture and I didn’t want to expend the effort sanding or stripping it.

I’d read a few blog posts about Min-Wax Gel Stain.  Excessive sanding nor stripping were necessary.  I found an acceptable stain color at WalMart–mahogany, lightly sanded the trunk, put the gel-stain on, rubbed it off.

Min-Wax Gel Stain

Did it again 24 hours later (no sanding before the second coat) followed up with Min-Wax Poly-acrylic, and voila! A deeper richer look–just what I wanted!

Min-Wax Gel Stain

Easy Peasy and family room worthy!  Now maybe I’ll make a cushion for the top and a couple pillows and I’ll not only have storage but extra seating!

Min-Wax Gel Stain


Andrew’s Fund Raiser

Our daughter Jes and her fiance Andrew live in Brooklyn.

Jes and Andrew
This is Jes and Andrew, just in case you forgot what they looked like! And that’s not Brooklyn.

Fortunately, the area that they live in was spared most of the destruction that you have been seeing on the news from the recent horrendous superstorm.

But Andrew had been training for months for the NYC Marathon which was scheduled for November 4th.  He runs with the American Cancer Society DetermiNation Team and raised over $4,000 this year.  The NYC Marathon was canceled due to the devastation in the city but Andrew and a bunch of his friends decided to run their own marathon–raising funds for the American Red Cross’s relief effort.  So they ran 26.2 miles through Brooklyn’s Prospect Park on Sunday and managed to raise over $8000.

If you haven’t already given towards the American Red Cross relief effort for this recent tragedy or feel that you could help out more, here is the link to Andrew’s fundraising website:

Maggie and Andrew running together. While Maggie was one of Andrew’s training partners, she did not participate in the fundraising marathon.