First pooch to greet us on our way out.Ethel doesn’t even bark at us anymore. She must know that I’ve been putting her pics on the Internet and now she just poses!Oh, Look! A new house on the market. Had to look it up when I got home. You can have this beautiful piece of property for $299,000. Really. This is a great piece of land. Right at the corner of Mason Creek and Battle Creek. Lovely.Didn’t bring the telephoto lens on this cruise, but if you look closely, the Island Dogs have a new little black dog for a pet. Or a hostage. Or a snack.And here’s Maggie. When we turn around to head back home, she always jumps down and shows us the way.On the way back we spotted a few birds. Here’s an osprey. Should have brought the telephoto lens!This is the bridge we go under to get home. Bimini top and fishing poles must be down!And a great blue heronDiesel is waiting for us just on the other side of the bridge. “Did you have fun? Did you see any other dogs? Did you catch any fish? Will you take me with you next time? I won’t bark, I’m a good dog”Our poor palms have almost all lost their heads. When we moved here 9 years ago, they were all firmly attached. Now only birds sit where fronds previously grew.
Home again!
1 thought on “Cocktail Cruise”
I absolutely love this website. Thanks for sharing our wonderful little village, not to mention our ‘dogs in the hood’, recipes and obvious love of life!
I absolutely love this website. Thanks for sharing our wonderful little village, not to mention our ‘dogs in the hood’, recipes and obvious love of life!