Friday Meanderings

This was a beautiful week. Busy but beautiful.

Here’s a hawk that’s using my bird feeder as his bird feeder.




So, like I said.  This hawk is using my bird feeder for dinner.  Yesterday when I went out to fill up the feeder he was sitting on top of it and I had to chase him away.

Doves–you need to move to a new untended feeder!

This guy was actually watching a snake that was coiling around our deck. And I would show you pics but I promised a friend (from ND) that I would never put a snake snap on this site again. Because she’s terrified of them. Not that she actually reads the blog anymore.

But a promise is a promise.

So if you want to see the cool snake photos you’ll have to go to my other blog’s photo page,

I do have some nice shots of a Monarch Butterfly right here!

And an update on the stage for the Homosassa Arts, Crafts, and Seafood Festival–It’s done!  Just needs to be moved into place!

stage for the Homosassa ARts Crafts and Seafood Festival

So what’s up this weekend?

Sarasota Slim will be at the Shed on Sunday at 2 pm. Very cool band.

Besides that, we’ll be hanging out on the Nature Coast. It’s a laid back weekend for us!

Have a great weekend!


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