I have to say that ours were the best ever! Between Thanksgiving and Christmas we saw all of our kids and grandkids.
And that’s what it’s all about! Right?
Most blogs list the achievements from the past year and their expectations for new year right about now.
I’m just gonna throw a bunch of pics at ya!
But I’ve gotta say that I will to TRY to put more snaps up in 2018. More dogs. Maybe some cats. Photos of a moment. Photos that tell a story.
And I start right here!
Me and T at the Homosassa Golf Cart Parade. (So Much Fun!!!!!)Christmas Day. The kids got three rescue cats for Christmas. Think those kittens might need rescued from the rescuer!That’s LuLu down in the lower right hand corner wondering how that creature was able to get up there! LuLu can’t even get on the couch! This is possibly my FAVORITE photo ever!Bowling! Andrew WINS! WooHoo!Addison has always wanted a rabbit for Christmas. Yes she did get a kitten this year. But she’s stepping up her dream. DONKEY!The smallest and the biggest!Gangstas!Okay. We have 8 grandkids and this isn’t one of them. She just hitched a ride with the Tampa family. Now trying to find a way that we can keep her!Love this photo! Did anyone realize that they were all wearing gray shirts and blue jeans? They are cleaning shrimp here.Happy New Year!I made FIVE quilts for Christmas. This is the last one!
It was a good year for us. We are so fortunate. Hope your year was good, too!