Hey! How are ya?
I keep thinking that I’m going to catch up and do a lot more posting now that the after-school program is over at the Old Homosassa Learning Center. But, stuff happens! Sometimes fun stuff! Sometimes really b-o-r-i-n-g stuff.
It’s been raining here. Like a lot. Like almost tropical storm raining. Like. Um. Like.
My yard is SO happy!
Before the rain started, went on a cocktail cruise. Haven’t done that in LIKE forever.
Here’s 3 photos that I liked. For no particular reason.
Haven’t done a “Dogs in the Hood” lately. These guys were protecting their territory. Nope. Won’t go in your yard!
But This cutie, just wanted to come with us!
The rain has made some great views and HIGH water.
One last photo.
Have a great weekend! We might get rain. HA! Understatement!