Friday Meanderings

gulf fritalary

Local Stuff

I actually have events to report!!!!

Homosassa Fireworks is on June 27th. Not canceled as of yet.

But the Cobia Tournament scheduled for this weekend is canceled due to inclement weather. Re-scheduled for next weekend (June 12th – 14th)

The first official Drive in/Walk in Movie will be at the Homosassa Civic Club on Saturday, June 6th at 8 pm. Rain date is next Saturday, June 13th.

The Shed, Monkey Bar, Old Mill, and Crump’s Landing are all open and ready to serve!

I don’t have a Rodent of the Week. But I do have a DONKEY!


Echo the Donkey lives with friends around the corner from us. They are moving. Very sad to see them go but they are getting to the age that going up and down stairs into their stilt home is a little too much. We will miss them. Bill, Ann, Karen, Daisy, and Echo.


Echo nipped me once. He looks so cute and innocent. I’m pretty careful when I pet him now!

Echo the Donkey


This is Tully.


Tully is almost one year old and quite the escape artist. He came to the Shed with his mom on her golf cart and immediately slipped out of his leash. A good Samaritan captured him. Tully actually pulled the guy right to the ground. After being leashed again, he jerked it out of his mom’s hand. I grabbed him by some loose skin and hung on until Mom got the collar back on. In the above and below pic he is not very happy with me!


Did I mention that Tully is a very BIG dog?


But he’s also a very sweet dog!

Our governor has decided that it’s safe to go out and enjoy your life. Have a fun but SAFE weekend!


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