I won!
I was surprised since I really didn’t think I knew that many people.
And I didn’t.
The people I do know told their friends and they told their friends and ……
now I’m a commissioner on the Homosassa Special Water District!
Very excited!
It’s a small district. But it’s the only independent water district in the county. Very cool. There’s a lot of work to be done and I’m looking forward to being part of the group.
So what else is going on?
The Homosassa Arts, Crafts, and Seafood Festival is SATURDAY and SUNDAY!
Don’t miss it!
This will be the best festival ever!
Great Art. True Crafts. Music. Seafood.
Just when you thought you’d seen enough, keep on walking and hit some of our own local unique art galleries.
And it’s all in Old Homosassa!
I’ll be in an orange shirt. Oh wait, all the volunteers will have on orange shirts!
Have a great weekend!