This week’s post is mostly for my local readers–if there are any of you left!
First off….
It’s time for the Old Homosassa Heritage Council’s yearly gala…

Tickets are selling like crazy! Because it’s crazy fun! This is the fourth BIG PARTY event that the council has put on. The first was “Homosassa Goes Hollywood”, then the “Cocktail Hour for the Tower”. Last year was “Toga for the Tower”. And now we are getting our Great Gatsby on. This is our first event at La Casa. If for no other reason–you know you want to check out this beautiful venue and its amazing view.

Okay. There’s more than a view. A Charleston Contest. A raffle and an auction. (I’m donating one of my handmade shopping totes that will be full of party supplies–you know you want to bid on that!) Although the poster says “heavy appetizers”, believe me, there will be a ton of food to munch on. Also beer and wine and mixers on the bar. All included. And bring your dancing shoes!
Okay. Now you know where you want to be on February 15th!
And now I’m getting on my soapbox….
Last month I noticed a brief paragraph in the newspaper saying that due to lack of riders in the Homosassa/Sugermill Woods area, the county commissioners voted to stop the local bus route. And move it to Inverness.
I usually read every word about county activity. I never saw a notice of this impending change. Just this small article. Only 7,000 rides in the area. Inverness had 22,000.
I have never used the bus but I do know many people do. I’ve had a few residents ask if they can park their golf cart at the learning center while they go on the bus to their doctor, or the grocery store, or wherever they need to be. (of course you can!) I believe that the bus is free to anyone over 60. Also free to anyone under a certain income level.
The bus comes through the parking lot at the learning center and pics up passengers. So I see people getting on and off. Not a lot. But there are residents using it.
Until now. Because it stopped as of January 6th. I asked one of the regular riders what he thought about the change. He said “nobody cares about us in Old Homosassa”.
So. I had to raise the issue at the Homosassa Civic Club’s monthly meeting. I don’t believe any of the 61 members that attended knew anything about the change and were also just as surprised as I was. Everyone signed a petition asking to get the bus line returned.
We put a letter together asking to have the bus line on the Board of County Commission’s agenda. Sent it attached to an email to all five commissioners.
Now. These people know Terry. He has had meetings with each and everyone one of them. We have had lunch together. We go to the town hall meetings. The sidewalk dedications. The Veterans Day and Mermorial Day celebrations at the Old Homosassa Veterans Memorial. Not one of those commissioners responded to his letter or the petition. Commissioner Kitchen–the commissioner for our area–even trivialized the letter in the county commission meeting on Tuesday. Terry was there.
So yesterday Terry sent another email. Again, asking for assistance from our commissioners. Only Carnahan responded. Mostly saying the bus route is done.
Ohhhhhhh…..this isn’t over!
Off the soap box, kinda sorta.
On a better note. This Sunday the citizen of the year in Citrus County was announced. It was Frank Giovanni, retiring city manager of Inverness. He has done a lot of good for the community so I think it was a good choice. The newspaper also listed 47 people in Citrus County that were making a difference. Terry and I were nominated! WOW!
Soooooo…..we will continue the battle!
One more note. I am off of FB. Oh. I am still a member. I have to update the FB pages for the Old Homosassa Civic Club, the Old Homosassa Learning Center, and a few other community pages. And I’ll continue putting up events when necessary. Plus I might check out my bicycle group to see if anyone is riding. But. I’m not reading posts or looking at pics anymore. Besides being a sad use of my time, I HATE the constant political bickering and people making horrendous comments just because they can. I will miss seeing my friends posts and pictures. But. I gotta do it. For my peace.
And now I just want to say—Have a great weekend. The weather will be SUPER!
Congratulations on your nomination! Much deserved!
Thanks Lauri!
I want to see the article!
Congrats on the nomination, you guys so deserve recognition.