I totally forgot to post this on Friday. I know you were looking for updates on the event. And here they are!
I have a schedule!
So much Fun! And Games!
Gil Watson, local artist, created this mullet for adult trophies.
I was asked to make “softie” trophies for the winners of the kids’ divisions. Here they are, inspired by Gil’s mullet!
One of the games is a “punch” board. You pay $20 and get an envelope with a prize ticket. All prizes are worth at least $20. (I’ve heard that there are a few $50 bills on the board. ) I made a small tote for that game along with a six-pack of Sprite.
That little blue worm-like creature is supposed to be a mullet.
Then I made this shopping tote and fish-themed items which is going on the live auction.
I’ve been busy!
Hope to get a pic today of the t-shirts that we’ll be selling at the event. I’ll post it as soon as it’s available!