I’ve told you about my battle with the damn squirrels and my vegetable garden. I’ve had the little rodents drop tomatoes out of trees at me, seen them scamper up those same trees with squash blossoms clenched in their tiny damn jaws, and found the carrot tops that were protruding out of the ground with little squirrelly bites taken out of them.
Yet, I continue to plant vegetables and complain!
This year I actually got five full size celebrity tomatoes and a bunch of grape tomatoes.
I suspect the damn squirrels were just so happy with finding a way to get into my “squirrel-proof” bird feeders, they forgot all about those silly vegetables.
And then dessert from the hummingbird feeder. Who needs tomatoes?
The vegetable garden is done until fall. Only plants left are chewed up parsley covered with lots of caterpillars!
You need a wire dome over your garden or a garden yard dog (take-off on junk yard dog). Damn squirrels..