It’s Wednesday

And no Michelle! 

Michelle has been faithfully posting here on Wednesdays for over two years. 

She isn’t AWOL.  Just incredibly busy. 

Besides creating original content for her blog, Badzoot, she also has a 15-year-old son in high school and all those extracurricular activities that go along with that; a husband that works out of the house; plus all those odds and ends that keep her on the go. 

Anyhow, check out her website, Badzoot, where you will be entertained with Michelle’s baking, cooking, decorating, wit, and photos. 

Michelle’s always welcome to do guest posts here, too, so she may be popping up on a future Wednesday.  I’m leaving it open for her. 

I’ll be seeing her tonight at William’s football game!  Yippee! 

Happy First Day of October! (Is that a Holiday?)

Oh, and by the way, I’m messing around with my blog layout.  Things you might not even notice.  And things I might not even bother with after I’ve tried them for a couple days.  I do this once in awhile.  Mostly when I get motivated to “make things better” or I’m procrastinating on getting something really important finished .  It’s a lot easier to move things around on my computer than paint a wall or finish those Frozen costumes!


1 thought on “It’s Wednesday”

  1. Awww, I’m so sorry I’ve been remiss of my blogging duties. I should be more diligent. After all, you’re the one who got me started on all this. 🙂 It has been very busy here, and I always feel like I should do something completely different for The Perfect blog than my own. Hmmm, I’m thinking that a little recycling may be in order.
    Thanks for being patient everyone !
    (btw, I like the little ‘selfie’ pic of you in the car mirror!)


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