Daily Pics

Thought I’d catch up. Lots of flower snaps in this set!

May 11, 2021

I was out taking “glamour shots” of my latest quilt finish “scrappy times 3” ……

daily pics

and this gulf fritillary butterfly posed on a plumeria.

daily pics

May 10, 2021

The allamanda finally started blooming.

daily pics

May 8, 2021

As usual, the first plumeria bloom this year is yellow. Pink soon to follow!



May 7, 2021

After trying to grow St. Augustine grass on our drainage field for several years and only successfully raising sand spurs, I turned to a Florida native to spruce up the area. Spiderwort is an invasive species and will take over so you don’t really want it in your flower beds. But on the drainage field–perfect!


It’s next Saturday!!!

The Homosassa Mullet Toss and Spring Festival is sneaking up on us! But we are ready!

Just got to see the t-shirts today.

This green version is made out of “dri-fit”. Very much in demand. You can wear it scalloping. Boaters will see you a mile away! $30.

homosassa Mullet toss

And for those that like regular t-shirts. This one is in gray. $20.

Homosassa Mullet toss

The latest event schedule.

Homosassa Mullet toss

Continuing in the policy of the Homosassa Civic Club and the Old Homosassa Learning Center, for all kids (12 and under) the festivities are free! They will be crafting, painting, and playing games. Winning great prizes. Also, they get one FREE mullet toss!

No entry fee but please do not bring coolers, food, or your pets.

There will be several food trucks along with the boy scouts selling hotdogs and hamburgers. Beer and wine plus a bloody mary and mimosa bar.

As you can see on the schedule, there will be entertainment on the stage and you get an opportunity to paint your own mullet with Gil Watson–our famous local artist.

All proceeds go back to the community. Mainly for the Children’s Outreach and Beri Hagerty-Phelps Scholarships. The civic club just awarded 8 students $1000 each to further their education.

And to close, here’s a double rainbow from yesterday.

Homosassa Mullet toss

Have a great weekend.
